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Astrological Forecast: Venus in Front of the Sun and Lunar Eclipse Will Bring Change and Transformation

Venus will rise in front of the Sun and be as far away from it as possible. It will travel to its maximum western elongation this year (distance from the Sun 47°), accompanied by the metallic star Chertan (Coxa, Chort). The conjunction of Venus with Chertan symbolizes ferocity, resilience, courage, foresight and will impart these qualities to you as well. In oriental astrology, the activation of the Chertan star also heralds inauspicious times for the “second minister” of the state, the Holy See, etc., and therefore it is possible that the chair will start to rock very dangerously with one powerful person. This foreshadowing is enhanced by another astronomical, thus astrological event, namely the full moon with a partial lunar eclipse on Saturday, October 28, which will also be visible in our country. It will be ideal to watch its progress in the time range from 8 to 11 p.m., at midnight the full moon will shine again in full intensity.

In general, lunar eclipses reveal hidden and hidden realities, and this partial will be the last missing piece of the puzzle to close the final chapter of the symbolic story or cycle of eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Its topics for the last two years have been food, finance, land, the environment, energy, natural resources, and it brings to light what most of those “at the helm” would rather keep in the dark. But the ruler of the eclipse, the mentioned morning Venus, will not allow that. He will be in contact not only with the star Chertan, but also with the rebellious revolutionary Uranus (trine), who will change what is needed even at the cost of a shock. It forces you to leave your comfort zone, experiment, try and look for new alternatives until you find the optimal solution. Fortunately, whatever happens will be in your best interest in the long run because it will move you towards a better and more stable future.

Beran (21. 3. – 20. 4.)

You often get into trouble with your spontaneity and rashness, but the exception proves the rule, and that’s this week. So get involved in solving work problems, because your ideas will always hit the spot. The horoscope for the unemployed has great news, because their situation changes from minute to minute. It’s even possible that they’re already making quite a bit of money these days. If there is someone or something draining money from you and you have no idea about it, this weekend’s lunar eclipse will reveal it and advise you on how to resolve the situation and stabilize your finances. It can also relate to property that someone uses on your account.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Everything will be directly reversed where you have been holding back lately so as not to stand out too much from the crowd. This will only be good, because you are de facto pretending, which costs you a lot of strength, sometimes even renunciation, because you do not use all your potential and keep some talent or unusual ability under wraps just so as not to draw attention to yourself. The constellation relaxes you so wonderfully that you start behaving naturally, you simply won’t play anything. And you won’t care what others say about it. If you are single, Venus indicates love at first sight.

Foto: LightField Studios, Shutterstock.com

A look in love speaks more than a verbal assurance of undying love. The horoscope reminds us that a lot of other important things can be inferred from body language Photo: LightField Studios, Shutterstock.com

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

If you are nervous about something, it will be resolved, closed, and you will finally have peace of mind, because it will turn out great. This applies especially to the fear of a hereditary disease or the restriction of a loved one’s freedom, it will generally be something that no one except your family members knows about. If you haven’t dreamed anything for a long time, your dreams from Thursday will make up for it. But it will not be the product of a wild fantasy, it will be literal prophetic visions, so you should write down their symbolism. You will understand their meaning only later, with a time lapse of six months.

Rak (22. 6. – 22. 7.)

It will be pleasant to find out that a person with the same interests and life philosophy as you lives near your place of residence, maybe even in the same house. When you meet by chance, you start to understand each other immediately, and if you are creative, you will always be inspired by something. On the other hand, in your circle of friends or interest group, things will start to boil and that will be the beginning of the end. Because what has been working secretly against you for a long time will come to light. For example, that you have more and more responsibilities, but someone else always licks the cream, or that one would-be friend is “as left as a saber”.

Lev (23. 7. – 22. 8.)

Your sense of values ​​and attitude towards money will change. If someone has owed you money for a long time, but it was unpleasant for you to remind yourself, you step on the person or the company and believe that it will work. A fundamental change will also occur in the career. For example, they will give you back a job or public position from which you were wrongfully removed, or they will assign you more powers and responsibilities. But there may be another option. If you come home from work so exhausted that you don’t have the mood or energy to go out with your family, take steps to change that and you can finally start living a normal life.

Foto: LightField Studios, Shutterstock.com

There is absolutely nothing wrong with reminding yourself of what belongs to you. The horoscope directly encourages you to urge potential debtors without compromise Photo: LightField Studios, Shutterstock.com

Panna (23. 8. – 22. 9.)

You will get exactly what you want during this period. With harmonious Venus overhead, you will have so much energy and luck that you will become practically invincible, and even unstoppable. If you dream of an adventure, you will make your wish come true. In the second half of the week, you will often be embarrassed, but this will also be beneficial. You will clarify where you are stuck in expanding your knowledge or professional skills. You are a sign that leaves nothing to chance, so knowledge debacles will direct you to further education, you may decide to go out and gain new experiences.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

The most sensitive sector of your horoscope will be activated. It symbolizes debts and rests that trample a person, but not only financial and property ones. It is also a repository of deeds that were not “kosher” and a sense of guilt weighs on one’s soul. At the same time, it is a period of transformation, transformation, so the planetary constellations will remind you of the worst unpleasantness of the last two years, but the very fact that it is long behind you will be liberating and activate your inner joy. All in all, this week brings an end to the depressing past, so step into a better future on Sunday with the right foot.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

You will visit far more social events than usual, you will meet new people, and one of them will push you in the future in your career, and in turn will offer lucrative deals to entrepreneurs. On the other hand, with the contribution of the lunar eclipse opposite your sign, some long-standing relationships will fall apart. This does not sound optimistic, but the opposite is true. Only individuals who limited you in some way or who have been irritating you with their opinions for a long time will disappear from your life. It can also mean that you call off the engagement, for example, because information will surface that would be an insurmountable obstacle to living together.

Foto: G-Stock Studio, Shutterstock.com

Invitations to parties and various celebrations just pile up. With the help of the stars, you will have a good time and meet interesting people, so go to the gala and join the company Photo: G-Stock Studio, Shutterstock.com

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

It will strengthen your professional status, social status, and even rocket career growth awaits you. If you are in the business of fashion or making jewelry, there will be a huge demand for your products. Don’t underestimate your body’s signals, especially if you’ve been having trouble with your voice or cough for a long time, and it will become even more intense in the days around Friday. The universe is giving you one last chance to solve the problem, otherwise you’re asking for chronic laryngitis. If you are facing hostility from your extended family, especially your mother-in-law or aunt, the reason will finally become clear. You say it to yourself and a relaxed atmosphere will finally reign in the family.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

If you have business activities connected to a foreign country, or your profession is connected to science or law, you will win a seemingly lost cause, your profits will double or you will make a breakthrough in research. If you travel a long distance, you will experience the biggest adventure this year, and it is not even excluded that it will be romantic. At the weekend, parents should carefully monitor their offspring. The constellation will reveal their potential hidden talents and thereby verify whether they have chosen the right interest groups for them. Individuals who are stuck in a love triangle finally get clear about who they want by their side.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)

Most likely, a decent sum or a valuable item will fall into your lap, but you will not be very happy. It will be associated with a sad and irreversible event, the horoscope even suggests that someone will not agree with it and will try to get these “gifts” back through legal means. In the second half of the week, the constellations will show you in reality how things work in your family, and they will greatly exaggerate the evils that you have been tolerating for a long time in the name of domestic peace. What needs to be changed will be obvious, but arm yourself with patience. Habit is an iron shirt and it will take time for those closest to you to get used to the new rules.

Pisces (February 21 – March 20)

Entrepreneurs will receive interesting cooperation offers, if you have a long-term relationship, you will experience a second honeymoon, and if your partnership is going through a crisis, you will put an end to it. Also, something from the past will finally be clarified, it will concern your father’s siblings, neighbors or enemies. Land may also be in play, if you are fighting with someone for example over a piece of land, an access road, etc. Studying individuals will find themselves at an imaginary crossroads, because they will hesitate whether they have chosen the right field. However, a fundamental decision should not be made here, because they will not be completely sure where to move until mid-November.

Affirmation for this week: I calmly accept change and open myself to new experiences…

2023-10-23 03:03:54
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