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Astrological Forecast: Full Moon Revelation and Planetary Battles in the Week Ahead

Monday’s battle between Pluto and Mercury (square) will kick everything off. It will cause an “information whirlwind” during which, for example, hidden facts will be revealed, the misuse of sensitive data, something will simply happen that erodes your faith or opinion. He will take over the imaginary baton in uncovering who is who full moon on Thursday, April 6 at 6:34 a.m. Opposite the Sun in Aries, the Moon from the second decan of Libra will shine in full force, trying to please, succeed and win the favor of superiors, the audience or society at any cost. The full moon shines like a strong spotlight on these adoration-hungry narcissists. In addition, it floats near the star Merga, which ancient astrologers described as the behind-the-scenes guardian of the treasury, the guardian of economists and politicians. As full moons universally reveal the good that has been accomplished, but also bring to the surface the bad, no matter how deeply buried, it is clear that in addition to interpersonal relationships, on the global scale of the popularity of the powerful, money will also be addressed .

The ruler of Libra, i.e. also the full moon, will take care of the finale, the planet Venus in the evening phase (Hesperus). The full moon will be watching together with the yellow star Zaurak. It is often compared to a ship which, with an experienced captain at the helm, skilfully avoids pitfalls and safely reaches its intended destination. But the star Zaurak is located in the cosmic zone that the ancient sages called the “unlucky horn”, meaning “to run into the horns”. Who in the past he relied only on luck when making decisions, neglected the established rules or took the “helm” without having the proper experience, will fulfill the ill-fated prophecies of this star band. The person in question “runs on his horns”, on a social scale, the symbolic ship with the dilettante at the helm begins to sink, and the popularity of the pseudo-captain begins to sink to the bottom as well.

Beran (21. 3. – 20. 4.)

An item or money that you have already written off as a bad debt will be returned to you, it may also be a reimbursement of the finder’s fee that was once denied to you. The mid-week full lunation will target your intimate partnerships and how you get along with others. If there are long-term imbalances or limitations, you will have enough empathy and drive to resolve them, even if it means cutting someone out of your life for good. At the end of the week, the harmonious connection of Venus with Neptune (sextile) will endow you with great compassion, so you’re probably donating something to charity.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Master of communication Mercury in your sign travels to the Dragon’s Head, or Ascending Lunar Node, and their alliance will give you amazing powers of persuasion backed by logical thinking. With this equipment, you will assert exactly what you need in the offices and at work, and if you are a public activist, you will be able to get the masses on your side. If you have any harmful bad habit, he will punish you by voluntarily ending it. The weekend will be so successful that you will regain your joy in life even if you have seen everything black lately.

Photo: Gorynvd, Shutterstock.com

Honestly, how many times have you been determined to quit a bad habit, but it didn’t work out? The stars will help you with this, but it will be a drop of a harsher lesson.Photo: Gorynvd, Shutterstock.com

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

At the beginning of the week, don’t let yourself be provoked, don’t argue, just be quiet and listen carefully to your rival. He will contradict himself and you will de facto defeat him with his own weapons. The full moon in aesthetic Libra ignites a creative spark in you, so whatever you make with your own hands will be a masterpiece. As a result, conditions will be created for artists and musicians to start a star career. The planets also provide you with accidental introductions and if you are single, it could mean the beginning of a love affair.

Rak (22. 6. – 22. 7.)

They start ideal days for home improvement, including investing in new equipment. If you live in a rental and are considering getting your own apartment, the right one will offer itself to you in a way. In the second half of the week, you will probably be interested in a very unusual philosophical doctrine with a spiritual theme, so you will decide to expand your knowledge, which will be one of your best efforts this year. This will significantly improve your life, thus improving the quality of your life, and entrepreneurs will even expand their field of activity with the help of new knowledge.

Lev (23. 7. – 22. 8.)

You have an exceptional period ahead of you, because thanks to your great intuition you will be able to orientate yourself in every situation and thus avoid unnecessary troubles. A full moon lunation in your communication zone will also directly bless you. You will verify that if you want to, you can verbally influence the opinion of others and calm down even angry people. You should go to the authorities in the second half of the week. Entrepreneurs would they should be interested in tax credits, the others for subsidies related to energy saving, which in the end will make housing cheaper for them. The horoscope indicates that you will be extremely satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations.

Photo: Nando Vidal, Shutterstock.com

Planetary constellations indicate that you might be eligible for some financial relief, so in your own interest, try to find out the details as soon as possible.Photo: Nando Vidal, Shutterstock.com

Panna (23. 8. – 22. 9.)

At work, you will hear opinions that will “boil your blood in your veins”, but at the same time you will be under the microscope of your superiors. Let off steam after work with sports, because the horoscope suggests that you would end up being accused of causing conflicts. The change will occur in your value system. Especially when you are trying to keep real estate in your possession even at the cost of financial losses and a lower standard of living, you decide to sell something. And believe it or not, you will not regret this act in the future.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

If you are single, hold back until Wednesday. Your vision and judgment will deceive you, so there is a risk that you will tie a mentally unstable person to you, who will soon deprive you of your mental well-being and joy in life with suspicion and dark visions. If people have put you in some character “box” that you don’t like at all and especially doesn’t correspond to your true nature, in the second half of the week you will be able to change it and get rid of this unpleasant symbolic “sticker”. You will have a lucky hand at the weekend buying valuable items at the auction.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

You will be proud of yourself. Apparently you finally did manages to solve a protracted family or parental dilemma or your descendants cause a minor sensation with their amazing creation or performance. If you run a business, you will get an order that your competition had a crush on. But the days around Thursday, when the full moon occurs, will keep you all busy. It activates your sector of secrets and the world behind the curtain, so you can have very colorful dreams. Don’t underestimate them, because their message will come true in the next two weeks.

Foto: NDAB Creativity, Shutterstock.com

The horoscope is ideal for you to make a final decision. Thanks to this, a pleasant atmosphere will prevail at your home again, you can even talk nonsense. Photo: NDAB Creativity, Shutterstock.com

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Save yourself until Wednesday. Lack of sleep and excessive physical exertion will make you nervous, so you will mess up what you are trying to do at work, not to mention possible injury. After that, until Sunday, you get the most out of every day. If you are a member of a movement or association, they will even ask you to take on its leadership, which will allow you to promote your concept. In the same way, you will free yourself from those obligations, including social ones, which limited you not only in terms of time, but also in freedom of expression.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

If you’ve been doubting your profession for a long time, especially because it doesn’t resonate with what you studied or really wanted to do, this week you’ll literally cut it. You will probably be motivated to take such a fundamental step by the fact that you will find employment, i.e. a tailor-made job. If you are satisfied in your job, some form of recognition will indicate that the company is counting on you in the future. An exciting weekend will be served by the planets to singles, neb they meet their fateful love.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)

The planetary constellations of this period indicate a change in perspective and a shift in your thinking and worldview. Thanks to this, you will become clear about what you have been fumbling with recently, what you did not understand or did not make sense to you, which also applies to studying and understanding the material being discussed, as well as research or a project that has stalled. If you are “on a scorpion” with the family budgeton the weekend you will manage to implement cost-saving measures, which you will set so cleverly that no one will even beep.

Pisces (February 21 – March 20)

The first two days of the new week, be careful with your tongue, even the walls will have ears. A stone from the heart will fall in the middle of the week to individuals who asked for debt relief, because the court will grant them. If you feel a grudge against someone because they hurt you, take the advice of the horoscope, forgive them and don’t deal with it anymore. This will benefit yourself, because feeding the animosity just eats away at the psyche, but you need to finally have peace. At the end of the week, neighbors or relatives may not give you a moment of rest, but thanks to them you will entertain and laugh like you haven’t in a long time.

Sunday, April 9, will be the Easter feast, and according to tradition, you and every member of the family should have a piece of buttermilk for breakfast. It is said to guarantee that you will always find your way back home in the coming months…

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