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Astrologers have named the greediest zodiac sign – they love money more than people

The natives of this sign do not want to share anything with others.

“Greedy beef, pickled cucumber, around the field, nobody eats it”, – surely everyone remembers this children’s teaser.

That was the name of someone who didn’t want to share toys or sweets with friends in the sandbox. With age, the desire to own some things or money yourself may disappear or intensify. Astrologers have found that greed largely depends on the date of birth: some zodiac signs value their material wealth much more than relationships with people and can quarrel with loved ones over an insignificant amount. We tell you which sign experts call the most greedy in the horoscope.


Regardless of gender, representatives of the earth sign are truly bad people. They have much more feelings for money than for close people. In any case, they look after them much more diligently: not a day goes by that Capricorn does not lovingly count his hard-earned money, count expenses and plan income. True, the attitude to material wealth among Capricorn men and Capricorn women is still somewhat different.

Earth sign natives are known for their prudence. It is as if a calculator is installed in the brain of a Capricorn woman, which allows her to instantly calculate the benefits that can be obtained from a particular person or action. Representatives of this sign save on literally everything – despite the fact that they usually have solid funds, they prefer to dress up at sales or flea markets.

These women also do not indulge their family.

Capricorn men, in turn, turn saving into a real hobby. If you want to know where you can buy any item or product with the greatest profit – from sausage to washing powder – contact the natives of the earth sign, they will conduct a whole tour of the cheapest shops. The only thing Capricorn doesn’t skimp on is clothes and cars.

They should emphasize its solid status, so the sign does not skimp on them.

Having decided to enter into a relationship with Capricorn, you must remember that he is used to total savings. Not only will he not spend fabulous sums to please your loved one, but you will not be able to ask him for snow in winter. Earth sign representatives keep children in check and are taught from an early age that every penny must be protected. On the one hand, this is a useful skill, on the other hand, Capricorn children often do not have a childhood with entertainment, picnics, trips to nature.

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