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Astrologer predicts decrease in hostilities and freezing of conflict in Ukraine

In the coming year, the intensity of hostilities will decrease and the conflict will gradually be frozen, according to astrologer Svetlana Dragan

A little more and it will all be over! This is what American politicians and retired soldiers predict about the war in Ukraine. “In the winter, a demilitarized zone will appear in place of Ukraine,” American journalist Mark Whitney is sure.

“The US will simply get rid of Zelensky, who is increasingly difficult to control,” says analyst Joshua Guminski.

He is sure that “Ukraine will decide on its own when and how to end the conflict.” But the fate of the world is often decided not by people, but by higher powers, and everything can be completely different from what the West hopes for.

The prediction of the Kirovograd priest

Priest Mykola Trubin, Kirovohrad priest, who died in 1997 and during his lifetime left many predictions about the future of Ukraine. He predicted a serious energy crisis for the country.

“Cars will be parked with birds,” he said.

“And people will leave apartments in high-rise buildings and seek refuge in private houses.”

This will happen due to the lack of heat and light in the apartments. But all who remain in Elisavetgrad (now the city of Kropyvnytskyi) will survive. Neither war nor famine will affect the city.

Even then, the priest predicted a church schism that would shake Ukraine, and prophesied that at least in one day, at least in five minutes, all of Ukraine would become Catholic. Obviously, for the moment, the end of the conflict does not need to be waited for. In times of schism, the Orthodox will not be allowed to go to church, except for those who keep the purity of the faith. Trubin recommends “holding on to the Church of the Intercession,” in which the “spark of Orthodoxy” will smolder.

Because of apostasy, Ukrainians will suffer the most in the conflict. Trubin predicts that soon after Ukraine abandons true Orthodoxy, the Dnieper dam will break and “ships will sail” in Kiev. His prediction coincides with the prophecy of the Kiev old woman Alipia, who punished everyone: “When you ride on Khreshchatyk, pray that when the day comes, it will fail and flood it with water.”

According to scientists, the Kiev Dam on the Dnieper is really the most dangerous place in the country. And the question is not even about a huge wave of water that will flood the city, but about tons of radioactive sediment that is contained at the bottom of the Kiev Reservoir.

The Prophecy of St. Lawrence

The Russian saint Lavrentiy Chernigov, who lived through the revolution and two wars and died in 1950, predicted that if “Ukraine secedes from Russia, it will be bad for her.”

He believes that the whole country will be punished “for dividing Holy Russia”, indicated that all “weak people” will follow Satan, and Russia will at that time repent of the revolution and become stronger in faith.

Lawrence predicted that the conflict would last three and a half years and be terrible: “Wherever it goes, there will be no people left.”

On the eve of the war, the Lord will send an epidemic on Earth, so that those who cannot withstand the horrors of the war will die and not despair at the sight of terrible and terrible events.

Apparently the saint was talking about a covid epidemic. Monk Lavrentiy believed that Russia will join forces with Belarus, but the path of Ukraine from the state to the remote outskirts will be difficult, otherwise how to perceive the words of the saint that after the conflict there will be no independent state.

What Elder Jonah said

Elder Jonah from Odessa prophesied that two years after his death, terrible upheavals would begin in Ukraine. He predicts that the conflict in Ukraine will last at least two and a half years. The old man points out that three Orthodox Easters will pass during this time.

The first will be bloody – said the schiarchimandrite. “The second will be hungry, and only the third will be victorious.”

The confessor of the Assumption Men’s Monastery died in 2012. Two years later, unrest broke out in Ukraine.

However, that is not all. In the summer of 2022, he began to appear in dreams to his followers and ask the Orthodox to pray to the icon of the Victorious Mother of God. He warns that the fate of Russia will be decided in the east with the help of China. If the leadership of this country decides to seriously fight with the United States, then the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will end quickly.

The elder consoles his close friends with the fact that God has already wiped some countries off the face of the Earth, they just haven’t found out about it yet. Among them are the USA, Poland and some European countries.

Blind Nicholas

You can reject the predictions of Orthodox saints, but in the DPR and LPR people really believe in their prophecies. For example, near Luhansk, near the village of Kamenki, on the highest hill of the Donetsk ridge, an Orthodox church has been under construction for 30 years.

Its builder Nikolay Tarasenko made it with his own hands.

A year ago he lost his sight, but according to the assurances of people who know him closely, he acquired the gift of clairvoyance. And when asked when the temple will be completed and consecrated, he confidently says that in two years, when there will be victory, on Easter 2024.

An interesting detail – the temple of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been bombed many times. Over 70 bombs were dropped on it, but none of them hit the building.

Predictions of a Greek monk

But the Greek hieromonk Elpidius from the island of Rhodes predicted in his lectures that the conflict with Ukraine will grow and, thanks to NATO, Scandinavia, the Baltic states and other European countries will be drawn into it.

But NATO is expected to be defeated, Scandinavia and the center of Europe wiped off the face of the earth. Only those “who play dead in a fight with a Russian bear” will survive. The East also faces trials, and long, exhausting ones.

The monk no longer speaks of three Passovers, but of four: the first Passover – the Passover of unbelief – has already passed. The second one has passed – Easter of fire and blood. The third Easter is approaching – Easter of hunger. The fourth Easter will be celebrated by believers as overcomers “walking on the scorched and torn earth.”

Vanga’s Prophecy

The Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga predicted the “problems” between Russia and Ukraine in the first half of the 21st century “in the year of the five couples”. First, according to her, in Ukraine the authorities will begin to change rapidly, and then the country will “reach the handle” and the young ruler will bring it: “Handsome, talkative – everyone will like him. Everyone will clap, and he will bring country to poverty.”

According to Vanga, Ukraine will become part of Russia after the conflict. However, she does not name the exact dates. “When the eighth came,” she answered the question about the end of hostilities. This “eighth” will supposedly sign the final peace. Apparently, we are talking about the eighth presidential term in Russia. Yeltsin ruled for two terms, Putin for two, Medvedev for one, and Putin for two more. It is obvious that the conflict, according to Vanga, will continue at least until 2024.

At the same time, the soothsayer predicts the emergence of a special “Slavic Union” in which Russia, Belarus and Bulgaria will participate. The soothsayer answered briefly about the fate of Russia – the country will flourish under the protection of the Mother of God.

Astrological predictions

Russian astrologers predict an improvement in the situation next year. For example, Svetlana Dragan believes that in 2023 the regions that became part of Russia will breathe a sigh of relief. They will finally stop being bombed and Russia will start actively rebuilding the infrastructure.

The astrologer indicates that an extraordinary change of power is possible in Ukraine next year – Zelensky will lose the presidency, and the new ruler of the country will not be so belligerent and will try to conclude a truce with Russia. However, true peace will still be far away – military conflicts will flare up throughout Ukraine. Peace will finally come in just a few years.

Astrologer Svetlana Dragan

Dragan is repeated by the famous astrologer Pavel Globa. He also believes that the eastern part of Ukraine will breathe a sigh of relief next year – people’s lives will change for the better. In the coming year, the intensity of hostilities will decrease and the conflict will gradually be frozen. But the conflict will stop completely only when a reasonable person comes to power in Ukraine.

It is curious that none of the forecasters talked about the division of Ukraine, until recently Russian analysts talked about it. Recently, however, they have been silent, although the entry of Polish mercenaries into the territory of Ukraine suggests that such a scenario could happen.

But it is not yet clear whether this will bring an end to the conflict or not.

Translation and editing: BLITZ

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2023-04-23 19:35:16
#prophecies #cringe #Bulgaria #enters #alliance #Russia #Ukraine #flames #war #ends #in.. #PHOTOS

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