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astrologer called the turning point in the war

The astrologer predicted what to expect in the next month.

August will be tough Ukraine period, because it is possible to increase aggression on the part of the occupiers.

This was told by the astrologer Ksenia Bazilenko, writes UNN

“August is a turning point in the war, when all of us will need to gather all our will into a fist and heroically go through this very difficult time for Ukraine. A particularly strong astrological indicator that will lead to this situation is the combination of Mars, Uranus and the north node. This is a rare conjunction.It works in the same way as the blackout.Mars is action and deeds, the north node is the goal of our development, Uranus is the planet of great sudden changes, because he is a reformer.This combination carries both great opportunities and great destruction for the whole world, especially in the political and economic directions. These complex changes are necessary for evolution and further development, “says the astrologer.

According to her, throughout August there will be almost no opportunity to agree, because manifestations of stubbornness and categoricalness of world leaders are possible. Within many countries, restrictions on both rights and freedoms and economic opportunities will be introduced. World inflation and rising prices are especially acute.

For Ukraine, August brings a serious aggravation of hostilities on the part of the aggressor country, the number of missile strikes may increase, especially in the first half of the month.

“Each of us should choose the right strategy of behavior. Our impulsiveness, outbursts of anger, aggression now will be very dangerous and can lead to serious personal consequences,” she said.

Recall the astrologer named the approximate time of the destruction of the Crimean bridge.

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