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AstraZeneca, Palù now reveals: “Who would do well not to do it …”

The AstraZeneca case continues to discuss. After the suspension of the vaccine by AIFA, the verdict of the EMA is expected, set for next Thursday in order to resume, in the event of a positive verdict, the administration of the doses. From many quarters, Astrazeneca and especially Ema in the lead, reassurances have arrived on the possible correlations between suspected deaths from thrombosis and the administration of the vaccine. But the words spoken this evening at Porta a Porta by Professor Palù, president of Aifa, make us reflect. Palù did not mince words and stated: “The risk-benefit ratio is clearly in favor of the benefits. Obviously we must wait for the evaluation of the EMA, which will probably give a warning note because if female subjects with coagulation problems have had this thrombosis, it will probably be necessary to study and ask for more attention to these subjects “. And again:” The vaccine caused on some women of thrombosis, perhaps who have bleeding defects, women who take the pill. Better not these people do it? It could be so but let’s wait“In short, according to what was declared by Palù, most likely on Thursday the EMA could correct the shot on the vaccine. In the meantime, all that remains is to rely on the considerations received by the EMA in these hours.

The director ofMom, Emer Cooke he said that the review of the vaccine was decided following concerns about some cases of thrombosis in people who had been given the serum: “Our priority is to ensure the safety of the vaccine “, said the director of the EMA. For the moment, however, Cooke points out,” there are no indications that the vaccine caused these conditions. During the trial, people showed minimal numbers of thrombosis“.

You will have to wait one more day to understand how safe AstraZeneca is to be administered. At this moment, thousands of text messages have been sent all over Italy to cancel all the appointments scheduled for today and tomorrow. However, the government has made it known that these days’ stop could be recovered within two weeks with a dense schedule of administrations. Meanwhile, it should be remembered that in the second half of the year the administration of Pfizer will be increased with the arrival in the EU of about 10 million doses. All this to speed up a vaccination plan that is becoming increasingly fundamental for the recovery of the country and its economic fabric.

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