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AstraZeneca has fewer cases of thrombosis in Britain than Pfizer

The British Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has stated that it registers even more cases of blood clots in Pfizer / BioNTech in the United Kingdom than in AstraZenka.

According to the agency, out of 10.7 million people vaccinated with Pfizer / BioNTech in the UK, they register 38 cases of thrombosis, which is 0.0004%. 9.7 million people received the AstraZeneka vaccine and thrombosis occurred in 30 cases, which is 0.0003%.

Venous thrombosis is not a rare disease, normally there are 160 to 180 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year in the population. The risk increases with age. This records the interpretation that thrombosis after vaccination with any of the vaccines could only be a coincidence.

AstraZeneca itself said that after vaccination, more than 17 million people registered 15 cases of deep vein thrombosis and 22 cases of pulmonary embolism.

Cases of lazy nerve palsy have also occurred following the administration of vaccines from Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna. The MHRA stated that this did not pose an increased risk.

In the United States, where it is vaccinated with three vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, there were 1637 deaths among those vaccinated in early March 1637. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the percentage was 0.002 percent and the office said there was no link between deaths and vaccinations.

Beware of thinning blood, warn in the US

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned of the risk of blood thinning problems when approving vaccines from Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna.

People taking blood thinners will not be excluded from vaccination, but their health must be stabilized, and if they are taking Warfarin blood thinning medicine, their INR (expressed as a blood clotting value) must be within the range set by your doctor. The higher the INR, the longer it takes for the blood to clot.

No link between deaths and vaccine

As far as vaccination-related deaths are concerned, there is no indication yet that there is a vaccine-related death. The British Medicines Agency said it had registered a total of 227 early deaths after Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine and 275 after AstraZenka vaccine by 28 February. The vast majority concerned the elderly or the seriously ill, and there is no indication that death was related to vaccination.

In Norway, 33 people over the age of 75 have died since mid-February after receiving Pfizer / BioNTech. The World Health Organization (WHO) Committee stated that the number of deaths corresponds to the normal mortality in this population group and that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks.

In Germany, the Paul Ehrlich Institute reported that the seven early deaths from the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine appeared to be related to other illnesses suffered by those vaccinated.

In Hong Kong, where they vaccinate mainly with the CureVac vaccine, there are six deaths after vaccination of 150,000 people. No case was related to vaccination.

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