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AstraZeneca and second dose, Clementi: “Do not impose vaccine mixes”

AstraZeneca and second dose, if an under 60 vaccinated against Covid with Vaxzevria at the first dose did not want a booster with an mRna vaccine what would happen? “It’s a problem. They signed an informed consent that does not only concern the first dose but the entire vaccination process. And now the question is also raised whether they should sign another one and, if so, how to structure it. Why? if a person decides to appeal to the TAR because he does not want the heterologous call, in my opinion the appeal risks winning it. Therefore, in my opinion, freedom of choice would be desirable at the present time “. He is convinced of it Massimo Clementi, director of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan and lecturer at the Vita-Salute University.

“We have taken this step” to open up to heterologous vaccination for the under 60 for a thousand reasons. “At least I would let there be freedom of choice. Imposing it is risky – he explains to Adnkronos Health – And if something happens? It is a mix not approved by any regulatory authority and on which even the European Medicines Agency Ema reiterated today a series of conditionals. Each vaccine is approved for two doses and two doses must be taken. This choice of mix is ​​equivalent to that of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson about initially giving a single dose of AstraZeneca to as many people as possible. Everyone told him good. It actually blocked that wave, but single dose vaccinates now see that they are more susceptible to the Delta variant and have to run for cover. A full vaccination course is needed to be adequately protected. A lot of vaccine creativity would be good to avoid, it is the My opinion”.

As for the stop to the use of outdoor masks, “as the Covid-19 data are going now, it is desirable, also because it would favor tourism, people could go around with more tranquility at the sea and in the cities of art. . But I hope it starts in July “, continues Clementi.

“I would wait until July 1 before decreeing the stop to the use of the mask outdoors”, reiterated the expert, speaking in a debate that was ignited by looking at the choices of neighboring France, which has already canceled the obligation of protection in non-closed contexts. “We followed a line of caution and therefore I would wait if we still want to maintain this attitude of hyper prudence. There is still some infection especially among young people”, he concludes.

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