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Asteroid with “protective mask” approaches Earth – photo


19:02 23.04.2020(updated 19:09 23.04.2020) Short url


Sputnik France





Astronomers have released an image of the potentially dangerous asteroid 1998 OR2 which, when approaching Earth, appears to have put on a protective mask.

Even heavenly bodies show respect for Earthlings immersed in containment. Researchers from the Arecibo observatory in Chile have published an astonishing image of an asteroid which will be passing by our planet on April 29 and which seems to be wearing on this occasion … a protective mask:

According to astronomers, it is asteroid 1998 OR2, observed since 1998 and classified among the potentially dangerous objects. It is part of the Amor family of asteroids, which do not cross Earth’s orbit, but come close to it.

On April 29, the asteroid which measures between 1.5 and 4.1 kilometers and travels at more than 30,000 km / h, will pass to 0.042 astronomical unit of our planet, or 6.3 million kilometers, which is equivalent 16 times the distance between Earth and the Moon.

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