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Asteroid The Size Of A Skyscraper Heading For Earth: A Look At 5 Approaching Asteroids | Technology News – Post Nusantara

Earth is likely to see several large asteroids pass by this month. According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, up to five large asteroids are approaching Earth. These asteroids of various sizes will pass by the Earth between August 8 and August 13. The largest asteroid – 2024 KH3 is about 610 feet, which is equivalent to a tall building.

Asteroid 2024 KH3 is likely to pass Earth on August 10, 2024. Although the asteroid will be relatively close, classification as a safe way and there is no danger for us. The giant asteroid will reportedly reach its lowest speed around 5.6 million km from Earth on August 10.

Also, an airplane-sized asteroid, about 120 feet in diameter, named 2024 ON2, is expected to make its closest approach to Earth on August 12. This asteroid will pass the Earth at a distance of about 6.8 million kilometers. kmDespite coming close to Earth, there is no great danger.

Another asteroid, about 110 feet in diameter, named 2024 PK1, is expected to make its closest approach to Earth on August 10. This asteroid will pass at a distance of about 6.4 million km. 2024 PN1 is about 86 feet in diameter and is expected to make its closest approach to Earth on August 8, 2024. This asteroid will pass at a distance of about 2.4 million km. kmDespite its proximity, the asteroid is not a serious threat to our planet.

Perhaps the smallest on the list – an asteroid the size of a house about 58 feet in diameter, named 2024 PS1, will make its closest approach to Earth on August 13. This asteroid will pass the Earth at a distance of about 1.3 million km.

What are asteroids?

Asteroids, also known as planetoids, are inactive rocks that orbit the Sun. They are believed to be rocky remnants from the formation of our solar system billions of years ago. These rocky objects are usually seen orbiting the Sun, between Mars and Jupiter and are mostly seen in the asteroid belt. To date, the largest known asteroid is 4 Vesta with a magnitude of 530 km in diameter.

When talking about the damage caused by asteroids, one must to understand that the amount of damage depends on its size. So far there has been no threat of disaster. For an asteroid to destroy the Earth, it must be as big as our planet. Asteroids the size of cars are known to hit Earth every year.

2024-08-07 09:58:31
#Asteroid #Size #Skyscraper #Heading #Earth #Approaching #Asteroids #Technology #News #Post #Nusantara

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