Home » today » Technology » Asteroid ‘God of Chaos’ with a diameter of 1 Km passing near Earth Weekend of March 21, 2021

Asteroid ‘God of Chaos’ with a diameter of 1 Km passing near Earth Weekend of March 21, 2021

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – This weekend, on March 21, 2021 to be precise, a asteroid large will pass near Earth. It is the first asteroid in 2021 to pass closest to Earth.

This asteroid is considered large because it has a diameter of about 1 Km, making it dubbed the God of Chaos aka the God of Chaos in Indonesian. Its official name is 2001 FO32.

Citing a page Forbes, Sunday (21/3/2021), asteroid 2001 FO32 is classified as a potentially dangerous asteroid by astronomers.

According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the asteroid 2001 FO32 is moving very fast and its distance from Earth is about 1.25 million miles or the equivalent of 2 million km.

This distance does not sound too close when calculated by calculating the distance of humans on Earth, but close enough for astronomical scales. About five times farther from the Moon to Earth, astronomers can study it in more detail.

Previously, in early March 2021, asteroid Apophis was shooting at a speed of 19 miles or 30 km per second. Meanwhile, God of Chaos will move at a speed of 77,000 miles per hour or about 124,000 kilometers per hour.

With that speed, asteroid The God of Chaos shot out much faster than most asteroids that pass near Earth.

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