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ASTEROID could hit the EARTH! Here is WHEN and at what RISK according to NASA [VIDEO] » ILMETEO.it

ASTEROID could hit the EARTH! Here is WHEN and at what RISK according to NASA [VIDEO]

Simulation of the asteroid’s trajectory (blue dot; Earth. Yellow; Moon. Purple: asteroid)

A asteroid could hit the Earth the next November 2: it’s about 2018VP1, a celestial body about the size of 2 meters that could enter theearth’s atmosphere. The NASA, however, he claims that even if it does affect our planet, yes it would almost completely disintegrate.

Discovered from Palomar Observatory in California nel 2018, it is an object known to scientists precisely because it is one of the asteroids that has the greatest chance of colliding with our planet. The NASA estimate one 0.41% probability that it will interest us, a fact that obviously does not cause much concern, together with its size: for comparison, the meteora which exploded in 2013 in the skies of Celyabinsk, in heart of Siberia, had a estimated diameter of 15 meters and a mass of over 1000 tons. Her atmospheric deflagration crumbled thousands of windows, made as many injured but no victims.

In the Solar System, the potentially dangerous asteroids, that is, those who might unleash a true apocalypse: scholars claim that these are objects with a diameter of hundreds of meters, or even of several kilometers, however, luckily for us, no one is on a collision course in the next years.

It is more difficult to discover the less known celestial bodies, mostly smaller, since they are difficult to observe in telescopes, but they can still affect the atmosphere.Asteroid 2018VP1 could hit our atmosphere on November 2nd.

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