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Asteroid as large as 180 meters will cross Earth on January 12, 2022, is it dangerous?

SpaceX from Pexels

Large asteroids will cross the Earth on January 12, 2022.

Bobo.id – A asteroid of 180 meters will cross Earth on January 12, 2021.

This size is equal to 1.4 times the Monas Monument, lo, friends. This asteroid is named Asteroid 2013 YD48.

Researcher from the Center for Space Science Research – BRIN’s Aeronautics and Space Research Organization, Andi Princeg, confirmed that Asteroid 2013 YD48 will approach Earth next week.

He added that this asteroid will pass near Earth at a distance of 5,600,000 km from Earth at a speed of 53,172 km/hour.

This incident occurred on January 11 at 23:48 UT or January 12, 2022 at 06:48 WIB.

What is Asteroid 2013 YD48?

Before getting to know Asteroid 2013 YD48, we will recall what is an asteroid.

Asteroids are small celestial bodies that revolve around the sun.

Asteroids contain small amounts of metals such as nickel and iron, which are formed from space rock.

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