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Astaffort Artists Celebrate 30th Anniversary of Music’Halle with Francis Cabrel, Remo, and More

From Francis Cabrel to Remo via Jean-François Gardeil and Jean-Pierre Dupin, all the artists of Astaffort celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Music’Halle on Saturday evening.

“We don’t know what they did but it’s serious,” says comedian Jean-Pierre Dupin. “They”, these are the Layracais who have been the rivals of the Astaffortais since the dawn of time! The public, chauvinistic, laughs out loud before resuming in chorus the refrain of the Astaffortais anthem, “The edges of the charming Gers”: “A wonderful country, a country of sun, it is Astaffort”.

Saturday evening, in Astaffort, all the artists of the village – and there are a lot of them – enchanted the 500 spectators present at the Music’Halle to celebrate the 30th anniversary of this emblematic room in the department where the biggest names have performed. French song.

From Francis Cabrel to Remo, they all agreed to take part voluntarily in this exceptional performance written with the hand of a master by a Jean-Pierre Dupin who must have thought of his father when he became a teacher. The evening was organized by the association Les Astaffortais with the blessing of the municipality of Paul Bonnet.

Francis, Martine and Philippe Cabrel together on stage

It started with a sunny gourmet market orchestrated by Quentin Pognant. It attracted 350 fans.

It ended late in the starry night with the projection of old photographs of Astaffort. Commented by Jean-François Grattieri, they allowed the old to remember the good old days and the youngest to discover the history of a village where a Nobel Prize winner, Alain Aspect, grew up.

During 12 acts, Jean-Pierre Dupin traced, with very funny sketches, the highlights of Astaffort from the “50s” to the present day. The rivalry between the high district and the low district, the scooter races, the life of the companies, the flower parade, the estaminets, the place of basketball, the football fields, the Michelin, the horse “Bayard” etc.

Each sketch was punctuated by a song and colored by the troupe of amateur actors led by Bastien Lecomte. The baritone Jean-François Gardeil opened the ball by masterfully interpreting “The charming edges of the Gers” under the eyes of its author: the former veterinarian Philippe Doazan, 99 years old.

Occitan with Philippe Marsac, nostalgia with “The white plane trees of Perpignan” by Abel Monestès sung by Christian Moulié accompanied by Lionel Venturini on the accordion

local with a piece of Remo, beekeeper-singer, oriental and African sounds with Mouss and Archimedes, a scent of Brazil with Mayu, all the diversity of Astaffort was expressed in “this evening of great fraternity” as the qualified Francis Cabrel one evening.

The singer took over the “Walls of dust”, founding title released in 1977. The audience vibrated. She was very moved when Francis Cabrel interpreted “La tendresse” by Bourvil with Martine, her sister, and Philippe, her brother. The trio was for the first time on stage together. A painting sublimated by the professional dancer Clément Cabrel, son of Martine. “We had the privilege of attending an intimate show,” said a spectator as she left. And the feeling of belonging to the same family.

Lionel Venturini was the architect who signed the architectural project for the renovation of Music’Halle in 1993
2023-06-13 03:24:53
#artists #Astaffort #enchant #public #30th #anniversary #MusicHalle

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