Giorgio Assumma, lawyer but also best friend of Maurizio Costanzowho died on February 24 at the age of 84, gave an interview to the weekly Nuovo, and did not hide his strong concern for Maria De Filippi: “It worries me,” he said. ‘Behind theapparent detachment hides adeep emotionas I understood when I saw her suffer for the loss of her parents».
De Filippi, added Assumma, «can always count on support of his son Gabriel and on the work relief valvebut he will need a lot of love from us friends to fill, as far as possible, the emptiness he feels».
Assumma on TV (guest by Mara Venier on «Domenica In») told of being immediately rushed to Maurizio Costanzo’s bedside as soon as he learned that his health had deteriorated.
“He was still conscious. His daughter Camilla asked him to recite the Ave Maria and he whispered the first verses and then stopped and said to her: “I can’t do it, you keep praying for me”» she said, with tears in her eyes.
Now her thoughts of concern go to Maria De Filippi whose broadcasts resumed after her husband’s death.