A remarkable action in Amsterdam today, several members of the Association against quackery participate in a so-called ‘suicide’ action. By taking an ‘overdose’ of homeopathic remedies, they want to demonstrate that the pills and potions have no effect. “Homeopathy is really nonsense,” says anesthetist and board member of the Association against Quackery Catherine de Jong against Editie NL.
“It’s a scam. Extensive research has been done for 40 years but there is no evidence that it works. Medically speaking, it is completely useless and a weird health ritual.”
European figures from EASAC show that approximately 700,000 Dutch people consult a homeopath every year. “Billions are spent worldwide on all kinds of remedies that don’t help.” What De Jong is demonstrating against today is the fact that, according to her, false information is being given and that some homeopathic treatments are also reimbursed by health insurers. “People are led to believe that they are receiving effective treatment when they are not. It can also be dangerous because people are not getting the medical care they need.”
The latter also worries Ruud Coolen van Brakel of the Institute for Responsible Use of Medicine. “The use of homeopathic remedies can be harmful to health if you think you are treating serious health problems with something that does not work at all,” he says to Editie NL.
He thinks the action of the Association against quackery is a funny way of demonstrating that there are no active substances in homeopathic remedies. “They are not medicines. It is really a waste of money to buy it, it is really a waste of money. All the remedies do is provide a placebo effect, so the idea of using homeopathic remedies can do something .”
He also understands that people want to use these resources. “I think it’s good that people don’t go to the doctor for every little thing, and that they want to tackle some care themselves. But a smart chemist will also tell you that you shouldn’t mess with it for too long.”
The Homeopathy Association, which organizes the Homeopathy Week, did not want to respond to Editie NL.