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Assoc. Prof. Vatsev predicts when the war will enter the hottest phase with the participation of NATO

Putin has twice insisted that whoever intervenes in the war will meet an answer he cannot imagine.

The Cold War allowed for political oases in which detente, that is, enlightenment, took place. It is possible between opposing countries that have common cultural grounds. The Americans read Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and the Russians Sol Bellow and Salinger listen to Rachmaninoff and Bernstein equally, political scientist Assoc. Prof. Valentin Vatsev told Pogled Info.

For all the opposites of Russian and American culture, there was a common cultural foundation. There can be no question of any detail now. I can’t imagine now in America trying to do Cancel Russia, given that it did so with itself. They tore down the statues of their national heroes, applauded the Civil War, and so on.

The Cold War comes as an introduction to the hot war. This hypothesis is justified.

There are worries about tomorrow. They sobered up from the effect of Russian sanctions as a reflection on Europe – the energy, food and unemployment issues. Unlike all European countries, only Poland is special. She believes that she is one step away from a bright future and that she will spread from sea to sea, “the analyst said.

“Two peacekeeping battalions are being prepared in Poland, which will be ready to enter western Ukraine in late July-early August. I don’t know what the Russian reaction will be, because the invasion is from NATO. Putin twice insisted that whoever intervened in war, in order to create strategic difficulties, he will encounter an answer he cannot imagine.

This will already be an escalation in the war. I expect that in the autumn, after August, the war will enter its third escalating phase with the participation of NATO. It is still covertly involved with money and weapons, but not as much as promised, as well as intelligence. America is trying to withdraw from this war. They are about to doubt the main stupidity that led them, “Vatsev said.

“The US government believed that the more weapons it brought to Ukraine, the easier it would be to win the election in the fall. The Democrats’ belief that the more weapons they give to Kyiv, the easier it will be to defeat Trump is unfounded.

The care of Ukraine is transferred to Great Britain. Britain has a project to make the “Little Entente”, which will include them, Poland, Ukraine, the three Baltic republics – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as Romania and Bulgaria. This is the dangerous moment when our country may be drawn into the war. Even if our small battalion is sent to hostilities, the War of the Nations has begun, “said Assoc. Prof. Valentin Vatsev.

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