Home » today » World » Assoc. Prof. Mangarov: The new government to cancel the measures and study how many people have an immune response – ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Bulgaria

Assoc. Prof. Mangarov: The new government to cancel the measures and study how many people have an immune response – ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Bulgaria

– Assoc. Prof. Mangarov, the Minister of Health announcements new vaccination regimen. Priority is given to the elderly and people with severe chronic diseases. What do you think about it?

– This is logical. It had to be done from the very beginning, because the purpose of the exercise was not to vaccinate everyone, but especially those who are most at risk. This is very logical, as long as it can be done, because I do not see much desire to vaccinate exactly these risk groups of people. However, it should be borne in mind that collective immunity is obtained both after natural illness and after immunization. And it makes no sense to immunize people who have had the disease and have antibodies.

– But still, do you join Dr. Katsarov’s call for vaccination?

– Yes, people who have concomitant diseases and who are in the so-called. risk groups could be vaccinated with any of the vaccines if they wished. If they want – because I have always said that these vaccines are not made according to the rules of good laboratory and clinical manufacturing practice. There are reserves for them.

– Dr. Katsarov said that he was also booked, but there were already hundreds of millions vaccinated, and the side effects are very few. Do you agree?

– This is a choice that everyone should make and for which, before they are given any vaccine, they must sign an informed consent. Ie here the decision is transferred to the individual’s head because we advise them to be vaccinated, but at the same time we want them to sign an informed consent. If things were so certain, we wouldn’t make them do that.

But measures must also fall. The emergency situation may remain in order for the businesses concerned to receive their benefits, but this does not mean that the masks should not be removed, that children should not go to school and that all these restrictions should be removed. Because it will turn out that one thing is said before you become a minister, and another after you become one.

– Do you think that the new Minister of Health should do something else?

– Dr. Katsarov says that the number of cases has decreased because the weather has warmed up, which is not the case at all. It’s just that we still don’t bother to find out how far the virus has spread among the country’s population. Ie he again circumvented the need for a sero-epidemiological study to determine what proportion of the country’s population had encountered the virus. Because it is very hot in India and there is still a virus. Ie whether it is cold or warm is obviously not essential here. And in our country the cases are probably decreasing, because a significant part of the people have encountered the virus. And those who have driven some of the variants of kovida, they can not get sick of the possible new one that will come. But we don’t want to know what part of the population has an immune response against covid. Ie what part she met with him. And this again swept under the rug. At the same time, they are calling for us to be vaccinated. OK! Who wants to be vaccinated.

– Will you participate in the next parliamentary elections?

– At the moment I have not decided. Perhaps. It is too early to tell.

– From ABV again, I guess?

“Most likely.”

– Is the political isolation in which Boyko Borissov and GERB fell logical?

– Yes, it is logical. It is simply impossible to act in this way – a group of people to proceed only from their own interests, ignoring the interests of society as a whole. This has led to the current situation. This applies to the economy, to medicine, and to everything.

– You were still an adviser to Boyko Borissov, but that does not change your attitude towards him?

“I was a purely medical adviser …”

– Yes, informally.

– That’s right, informally. After all, he had official advisers who led him to where he is now. However, Borissov was one of the people who listened to some different opinions, which is one of the reasons for the much freer regime in our country in terms of measures compared to countries such as neighboring Greece, Turkey … not to mention Spain, France, Great Britain. The credit for this goes largely to him. But, like all things, these remained unfinished.

– Is a fourth covid wave possible in our country?

– For covid wave to occur, there must be a sufficient number of people who have not encountered the virus. At the moment, this Indian strain, which is expected and which is currently swirling in India, is said to have the vaccines in use working. This means that it has the same or very similar antigenic structure with the initial strain of kovid, as well as with the British strain, which caused the third wave in our country. And if the vaccines work, it would mean that people who have once had covid, whether from the original or the British strain, can’t get the new Indian strain. So far I have not seen anyone who has driven a covid get sick again. Or if there are, these are extremely rare cases.

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