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Assoc. Prof. Kiselova directly about the plagiarism of the candidate for Interior Minister

Assoc. Prof. Natalia Kiselova

I can’t imagine that I will stand in front of the students and they will tell me “Why were you silent”, she says

The dragon or the dragon, depending on which story we read, is already awake, I was mentioned by name and decided it was good to go out and say there was a problem. This was stated by Assoc. Prof. Natalia Kiselova on Nova TV on the occasion of the case whether the proposed Minister of Interior Petar Iliev plagiarized from her dissertation.

He expected to be nominated for prime minister, but due to scandals around him, the party “There is such a people” replaced him at the last moment with Petar Nikolov.

As “24 hours” has already reported, there are three signals of plagiarism against Iliev.

Assoc. Prof. Kiselova told in detail the story of plagiarism.

On December 4, 2007, I defended my dissertation “Parliamentary Control” before the specialized scientific council. According to the already repealed Law on Scientific Degrees and Knowledge, the dissertations were not published then, but were deposited as a text in the National Library and in a center in the Ministry of Education, where the copies of my dissertation are.

When I was about to defend myself in the department, I sent the dissertation to at least 15 people in electronic form. It is then discussed at at least two meetings of the department and then defended. And in 2015 we received as a gift the book of Peter Iliev, said Assoc. Prof. Kiselova.

I asked the question that there are things that bother me. We were told to sit down and understand each other. I had two conversations with him, I was not satisfied, but since things were somehow going to continue to live, I directed my efforts in another direction, she said.

There were two procedures under which this infringement had to be examined. One – under the Criminal Code, but Kiselova has not been prosecuted for a fine of BGN 300. The other procedure is under the Copyright and Non-Property Damages Act.

“My aim was to settle things in the most delicate way, I didn’t want publicity or any fame like I’m getting now. The only thing was to solve the problems within the department. After I went out to speak, I wasn’t satisfied.” , explained the associate professor. She will present her point of view to the university’s ethics committee.

Kiselova cannot say that the university or the department were passive. I think now that the issue is public, it will find a solution. I can’t imagine that I will face the students in the fall and they will say why you were silent, she concluded.

“Gentlemen, MPs claim that no one is affected and that everything is fine. For me, the problems are both in terms of the purity of politics and the people who will implement it, and the authority of Sofia University. We are a symbol of academism and when there is problem, we can solve it according to our rules.Whether it is 1, 10, 40 or 80 pages (plagiarism, b.r.), the question is not in quantity, but in principle.We are not just harmless scientists who stand in moldy We have a mission to be citizens and to go out and say when there is a problem in governing the country, and since the issue will soon be on the agenda with justice and other reforms, do not turn us into enemies, gentlemen in power. to help you make the change happen better, “said Assoc. Prof. Natalia Kiselova.

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