Home » today » News » Assoc. Prof. Ivan Ivanov: Those vaccinated with Janssen and AstraZeneca have zero protection against Omicron

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Ivanov: Those vaccinated with Janssen and AstraZeneca have zero protection against Omicron

Omicron disease is milder, but those vaccinated with Janssen and AstraZeneca with zero protection against this variant of the coronavirus. This position was expressed to Bulgaria ON AIR by Assoc. Prof. Ivan Ivanov, Head of the National Reference Laboratory at the National Center for Infectious Parasitic Diseases.

“Omicron has been shown to be easier to drive. The two doses of Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca provide almost no protection against re-infection. Janssen and AstraZeneca are 0% effective against Omicron infection. Pfizer is 30% effective with 2 doses, a the booster has 75%. We can expect from 5 to 10 thousand cases a day. It depends on how the population will approach the vaccination. “- the expert commented in the program” The Day ON AIR “.

Asked why people with a booster dose also get sick, he said that there is still a percentage of the population susceptible to infection after the third dose, but there are no cases that go to the hospital.

Highest immunity have people who have had COVID-19 and have full vaccination status. They have almost 95% protection against Omicron. If our antibodies are produced by vaccines, then we cannot consider ourselves protected. Immunity alone is also not high enough immunity. It is important to get vaccinated after getting sick. “- stressed Assoc. Prof. Ivanov.

According to him, the mass cases in our country are not yet from Omicron, and from Delta variant.

“There’s still no room for panic. We’re analyzing several hundred suspicious samples that we’ll announce early next week.” he added.

According to the head of the National Reference Laboratory, judging by the experience of other countries, it in late January and early February we can expect a sharp increase in cases of coronavirus due to Omicron.

He also commented on the claims of Chinese scientists that Omicron appeared from intentionally infected mouse. Ivan Ivanov pointed out that there are cases with other viruses in which an animal has played the role of an evolutionary step for the virus.

“The fact is that the closest viruses to Omicron circulated in South Africa at least a year before the virus. It could have circulated locally in animals. COVID-19 is unlikely to disappear soon because it is quite common in the animal population. There will be a constant transmission from animals to humans. At some point, the virus will become endemic – there will be separate regions where it will be observed more often. ” – predicts the scientist.

According to him, the expected pills can work quite quickly the spread of the virus, but in the beginning will be very expensive. Assoc. Prof. Ivanov noted that it is important to start the therapy in the first 3 days. According to him, the drug “Remdesivir” continues to be effective.

“Most of the antibodies developed are not very effective against Omicron. The design is for a site that has already mutated. Nasal vaccines are still at a very early stage. They would be very effective if they increase immunity in the mucosa.” – said the interlocutor.

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