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Assistant to People’s Deputy Kunitskiy started shooting in Kharkiv – video

In the Kievsky district of Kharkov on June 19, during the conflict, a shooting occurred in a parking lot, as a result of which a 41-year-old man was wounded. It turned out that a bullet into him from a traumatic weapon was fired by Dmitry Nikonov, who is an assistant-consultant to the people’s deputy from “Servants of the people” Alexander Kunitsky.

He himself admitted that he was so protected from another driver near the charging station of electric vehicles of the Autoenterprise company, of which he is a co-owner. In the police notedthat on this fact, criminal proceedings have already been opened, previously the NGO “Anti-Corruption Bloc of ATO Participants” made public footage from the scene (to see photos and videos, scroll the news to the end).

Law enforcers have previously established that a dispute arose between the two drivers over a parking space. Information about the incident came to them on Saturday at 20:36 from the victim.

“During the clarification of the relationship, the offender, born in 1983, fired from special equipment for shooting rubber bullets in the direction of the applicant. The victim, born in 1979, was taken to the hospital with a wound,” the communication department of the Kharkiv region police informed.

Nikonov and the injured man

Who is the person who used the traumatic weapon, reported “Public”… And in the video from the scene, Nikonov said that he simply “asked the driver of another car to drive the car away, he did not fight.” However, he confirmed that he had shot.

“I asked him to park the car from charging, and he hit me in the face. I ran away from him, fired at the ground, fired three shots and said“ don’t come near. ”He still wanted to attack,” the assistant-consultant of the people’s deputy said.

Shots from the shooting site

The injured man admitted that he did not want to drive the car away at the request of Nikonov, but “he was rude to him.” Also, the participant in the conflict confirmed that he had hit him in the head.

“He walked around the car, went to my driver’s door and started attacking me, and I stepped on him. He took out a pistol, loaded it – got it in the head. Fearing for my life, I hit it because I thought he would use the pistol now .. But he started shooting anyway. The first time he missed, the second bullet hit me in the leg, “the man said.

Nikonov subsequently confirmed that the traumatic weapon belonged to him. Representatives of the public organization “Anti-Corruption Bloc of ATO Participants” published a photo of the pistol and permission for it. Interestingly, the assistant to the People’s Deputy also called himself a journalist, but he did not say what kind of media he represented.

Material evidence was withdrawn from the scene of the emergency

Law enforcers seized material evidence from the scene of the incident, its circumstances are being investigated. At the same time, the investigators of the Kharkiv District Police Department No. 1 on the fact of the incident opened criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Art. 125 (intentional minor bodily injury) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum punishment under the sanction of the article provides for up to 2 years in prison.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, earlier on the People’s Deputy from the “Servant of the People” Alexander Kunitsky drew up a protocol on corruption and brought it to court… It turned out that he was sending out official deputy appeals to various institutions on issues “which were of his private interest.”

In addition, the group of “servants” of Kunitsky (blogger zpsanek), according to OBOZREVATEL, tried to defeat bill # 4375 on the use of stun guns by the police. The document was included in the agenda of the extraordinary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada on April 29.

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