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Assessing Tundra Esports’ Chances with the Updated Roster at The International 2023

Commentator Daria ‘Eiritel’ Morozova in her personal telegram channel assessed the chances of the updated Tundra Esports roster at the upcoming The International 2023.

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Daria ‘Eiritel’ Morozova

Top 6 int maximum. You’ll be back to stage the clowns at the end of October

Russian eSports player and streamer Gleb ‘y0nd’ Vazhnov expressed hope that Tundra Esports with Topias ‘Topson’ Mikka Taavitsainen in the lineup will “hit the mark”:

Gleb ‘y0nd’ Vazhnov

finally the official announcement of Tundra.Topson and Nine on POS4, I hope the guys bring some style

Earlier it became known that Topias ‘Topson’ Mikka Taavitsainen joined Tundra Esports as a mid laner, and Leon ‘Nine’ Kirilin moved to fourth position.

2023-09-08 09:54:23

#Eiritel #updated #composition #Tundra #Esports #Top #Inta #maximum #Dota

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