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Assessing Macron’s 100 Days: From Social Protest to Fractured Society

The period defined by the Head of State to turn the page on social protest was marked in particular by urban violence, which occurred at the end of June after the death of Nahel in Nanterre.

One hundred days, or rather 88, from one crisis to another, in a fractured French society. When Emmanuel Macron speaks to the nation on April 17, the protest against the pension reform, barely enacted, is still strong. The President of the Republic sets a course: to restore serenity in the country thanks to “100 days of appeasement, unity, ambition and action in the service of Franceafter months of crisis.

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With July 14 in his sights, the Head of State had no idea that two months and ten days later, the death of a teenager during a roadside check would overturn part of the country in riots. “Six days of riots out of a hundred did not prevent us from working. Neither Nahel’s death nor the violence have anything to do with the social situation in the country”however, defended a minister at the beginning of July to franceinfo.

The presidential roadmap included three main projects: “work” et “ecology”, “justice and republican order”as well as “progress to live better”. A fourth, more political, was reserved for its Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, challenged by “Build New Alliances” to enlarge the majority.

“I note that most of the sites are green. We have delivered. All the sites that we presented at the end of April in the roadmap have been started”welcomed the head of government on Saturday to the Parisian. At the end of these “100 days”, Friday July 14, franceinfo compares the promises made in mid-April by the Head of State to the state of the files that the executive has since launched, resumed or abandoned.

“Work” and “ecology”: dialogue resumes with the unions, ecological planning is long overdue

What Emmanuel Macron announced. Eager to turn the page on pensions, Emmanuel Macron announced in mid-April the construction of a “new work life pact” by the social partners. He also promised to lift the veil on ecological planning “by summer”with application in many fields.

Which marked the 100 days. The question of work gradually supplanted that of pensions, even if the opposition tried to block the reform, which was highly contested until the beginning of June. Before that, the dialogue very timidly resumed between the government and the unions in mid-May. Then, the union representatives sat down at the negotiating table with the employers, in June, to arrive at a detailed social agenda at the beginning of July. The social partners again mentioned this calendar during a meeting with Elisabeth Borne, Wednesday July 12 in Matignon, the CFDT welcoming even after this meeting that the method of the government “dramatically change” compared to spring.

In parallel with these negotiations, the bill “for full employment” was presented to the Council of Ministers in early June. He was adopted at first reading by the Senate, on the night of Tuesday July 11 to Wednesday July 12 and will be examined by the National Assembly in the fall.

What about elsewhere of “new productive and ecological model” French-style ? It was slow to take shape, due to the urban violence that occurred at the end of June. “We shouldn’t see it as a blockage or disagreements between us”swept aside Renaissance MEP Pascal Canfin in early July from the Mondewhile the Prime Minister announced on Saturday at the Parisian 7 billion additional euros for the ecological transition in 2024. This plan must still be declined, ministry by ministry. But “we did not have the great speech of the Head of State on ecology”regrets to franceinfo the deputy Les Républicains Antoine Vermorel-Marques.

“Republican order”: the riots turned everything upside down

What Emmanuel Macron announced. After the clashes linked to the protest against the pension reform, the Head of State made “of justice and of the republican and democratic order” one of his priorities in the spring. He announced that he wanted “fight against all forms of crime”to want “strengthen the control of illegal immigration while better integrating those who join our country” and promised “big tracks” for the renovation of institutions.

Which marked the 100 days. Nahel’s death during a police check on June 27, and the subsequent urban violence in late June and early July, eclipsed anything the government had previously announced on security and crime control. In May, the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, had thus presented two plans to fight against tax and social fraud, the outlines decried by opponents of the executive.

On the other hand, even if the knife attack in Annecy, perpetrated on June 8 by a Syrian refugee, prompted several political leaders to call for a tightening of the rules on the right to asylum in France, the site of the future immigration law skated. The examination of the text was postponed until the start of the parliamentary term in the fall, after the senatorial elections at the end of September, and its scope remains uncertain. Mid-June, Elisabeth Borne said she was ready to discuss the “terms” a residence permit for shortage occupations, a point which is still included in the bill. But take it off “is part of the discussions”explains a minister to franceinfo. “If we keep it, the Republicans do not vote for the text and that will not allow us to have the votes of the left.”

Regarding the reform of institutions, Emmanuel Macron entrusted the Presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate with the task of organizing the “reflection” around several themes: proportional elections, referendum or recourse to 49.3, so decried during the sequence of the pension reform. If the President LR of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, temporized on this site, his counterpart at the Palais-Bourbon, Yaël Braun-Pivet, meanwhile launched working groups in early May. But the Nupes decided at the end of May to withdraw from the discussions to protest against the attitude of the majority on pensions. “The process is on stand-by, but I just want to resume it”assured the patroness of the Assembly to the Parisianend of June.

“Progress”: announcements for health and education that struggle to convince

What Emmanuel Macron announced. Emmanuel Macron has launched a social project: that of “progress for better living”. So that the French “regain the certainty that our children will be able to build a better life”the Head of State promised that the school would “change visibly” from the start of the school year, that the health system would be “deeply rebuilt” and that “concrete solutions” will be made “to improve daily life” especially in rural areas.

Which marked the 100 days. Extension of the Universal National Service (SNU) to voluntary high school students in second class, reopening of the debate on the redesign of school holidays, desire to open the recruitment competition for teachers at bac+3, reinforced means against school harassment after suicide from Lindsay… There was no shortage of announcements for the education system, with an acceleration in June.

Did the executive however obtain the average in this matter? “The president did not play the appeasement card, far from itdenounces Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary du syndicat Snes-FSU. The announcements were not concerted with the unions. On the merits, it passes in force on measures which are unanimously contested”, points out the trade unionist, evoking in particular the “teacher pact” which provides for the upgrading of all teachers, but not at the expected level.

The health sector was affected by a strike by hospital doctors in early July. Before that, the murder of a nurse in Reims at the end of May prompted the Minister of Health, François Braun, to strengthen security measures in psychiatric hospitals and to set up paid on-call duty for nurses at the hospital. hospital. This has not necessarily convinced professionals in the sector, who are calling for additional resources in the face of a deep crisis. In addition, Emmanuel Macron also promised the relocation of the production of 50 drugs. An announcement received in a mixed way by health professionals. Some believe that it will take many years to see the benefits of this relocation, others believe that the list is too limited.

The period was finally marked by the resignation, mid-May, of the mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (Loire-Atlantique), after the arson of his home. The case has highlighted the many difficulties encountered by local elected officials. To resolve them, the government has announced the implementation of a plan to combat violence against elected officials. In mid-June, Elisabeth Borne also lifted the veil on a “France rurality” plan of 40 various measures with numerous aids, which has not completely convinced the mayors of small French municipalities.

Majority: Elisabeth Borne failed to forge new alliances

What Emmanuel Macron announced. After resorting to 49.3 to have the pension reform adopted for lack of a clear majority in the Assembly, the executive tried to move forward, by “relaunching new coalitions and alliances as of May, on the solid foundations of the National Council for Refoundation, as close as possible to the field”, in the words of the Head of State on April 17. Emmanuel Macron left it to Elisabeth Borne to detail this “roadmap”nine days later.

Which marked the 100 days. Did the Prime Minister take advantage of this period to save her place? If she was weakened by the sequence of retirements, the head of government clung to her post, week after week, to the point of calming the rumors of a reshuffle going as far as Matignon. “We can say to ourselves that we need a right-wing Prime Minister. But Elisabeth Borne is managing the situation and to change it would be to prove the thugs right”, a minister explained to franceinfo in early July after the riots. Despite a reframing on the subject of the way of fighting the RN, at the end of May, the head of state seems to have resolved to keep Elisabeth Borne in her functions. “She has my confidence since she is at the head of the government”he assured at the end of June in Provence.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister failed to build “new coalitions and alliances” with the right in an Assembly with a relative majority. Less disunited than during the pension reform, the elected LRs notably warned the government about the immigration bill: they threaten to file a motion of censure if the text does not suit them.

The file of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR), born of the presidential will last September, was more managed by Emmanuel Macron during this period, even if Elisabeth Borne made announcements on youth in mid-June, at the end of the CNR on this topic. This tool also leaves doubts about its ambition. “The CNR produces stuff, but does not have the same impact as the great national debate”lamented a deputy to franceinfo, at the end of June.

2023-07-14 06:51:05
#Work #republican #order #progress #outcome #days #appeasement #announced #Emmanuel #Macron #pension #reform

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