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ASSE: Aïki and Krasso score points, Maçon and Youssouf lose some, the scores of the Greens

Zapping But! Football Club ASSE: descent, sweeping, the false good ideas circulating

Match Rating: 11/20

Man of the match: Ayman Aiki (6)

Green (5) : author of an authoritarian parade in front of Mickaël Le Bihan (16th), the English goalkeeper will have ultimately only delayed the inevitable. If he has nothing to reproach himself with on the goals, the person concerned still missed an outing on a corner which could have been expensive (76th).

Briancon (4): the captain of the Greens is to be credited with a real game of lumberjack with several gross faults and a yellow card collected from the 6th minute. The first of the season in Ligue 2. A failed first for the former Nîmes.

Giraudon (4,5): Author of a slightly better match than the other central defense rookie, the former Trojan still showed some signs of annoyance and collected a stupid and nasty yellow card.

Nadé (4) : but what fly stung the defender trained at ASSE so that he tries a clearance in heel on Dijon’s first goal? A crime against your Majesty which was paid for in cash on the bulletin board…

Mason (3): completely out of the game, quickly warned and little involved, the former Dunkirk gave way to the break. Replaced by Ayman Aïki (46e, 6)who, at 17, made his first appearance with the flag team with a first goal from a flat-footed recovery.

Camara (4) : if he was often one of the most involved in the physical fight in Ligue 1, the former captain of the Loire struggled to get in tune with Ligue 2. Mickaël Le Bihan hurt him on the second goal from icaunais (41st).

Youssouf (): like Yvann Maçon, the former Bordelais is to be credited with a mediocre performance during his 45 minutes on the field. He also missed a big equalizing ball (32nd) when he was ideally served at the penalty spot. Replaced by Louis Mouton (46th, 6)which had the merit of putting more impact.

Cafaro (4): the former Standard player had some flashes in his role as left piston composition but he clearly did not weigh as he should have on the offensive game of the Greens. Replaced by Adil Aouchiche (68th), who failed to bring more weight to finish the actions.

Lobry (4) : Going from master playing Pau FC to playing ASSE is not easy and the native of Soissons learned it the hard way. A disappointing first. Replaced by Maxence Rivera (80e).

Krasso (5,5) : although potential starter, the former center forward of Ajaccio had a rather interesting match. Ball at the foot, he made differences as on the occasion of Zaydou Youssouf (33rd) but that was not enough to be decisive.

Bouanga (2) : decisive passer on the goal, the Gabonese had the merit of trying but he also got angry in the last half hour to end up calling the referee “zero” and returning to the locker room before his partners. The “2” is not deserved for his match but it is the rule in the event of a red card, sorry Denis.

Conclusion : jostled during the first act, ASSE could have passed the hour of play on a 4 or 5-0. The Greens still finished better even if this inaugural defeat is most logical on the face of the match.

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