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Assault on the United States Congress: a salutary introspection

AHearing after hearing, the House of Representatives Committee of Inquiry into the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, is moving forward. Tuesday, June 28, a former assistant to the White House spectacularly shook the wall of cowardice erected by the main leaders of the Grand Old Party around a deposed president, Donald Trump, conductor of an attempted coup without precedent against the institutions of the United States.

Right arm of Mark Meadows, the chief of staff of the White House, the main collaborator of the then president, Cassidy Hutchinson brought his share of truth, immediately challenged by Donald Trump, to a march towards the abyss. She reinforced the thesis methodically investigated by this commission of inquiry: that according to which the assault of January 6 was less the product of circumstances than an objective assumed to prevent, at all costs, the certification of the victory of Joe Biden. by Congress.

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The young woman’s sworn account painted a damning portrait of Donald Trump, acquired that day by the use of force, including at the expense of his vice-president, Mike Pence, who then refused to be an accomplice. of this forfeiture. A president with erratic behavior, prisoner of a denial reinforced by an adrift administration.

The testimony of the young assistant highlighted all the more the silence of all the former deputies who prefer to remain silent today, and the undermining work of the Republican leadership of Congress, which has tried by all means prevent this necessary introspection. The work of the commission must make it possible to empty an abscess. For the moment, it is not so, alas.

cowards conspiracy

A conspiracy of cowards continues to denounce a political maneuver to avoid confronting the facts. She prefers to continue to maintain the conspiracy theory of a stolen election. At this decisive moment for the future of the country’s institutions, and with a few exceptions, the Republican Party chose the side of the deserters.

Contrary to the hearings of the commission of inquiry devoted to the Watergate scandal which carried away the presidency of Richard Nixon in 1974, those in progress in Washington prove incapable for the moment of digging a breach in the bulwark of clanism to which leave the United States. The results of the Republican primary elections recorded in recent months have confirmed a trend that is as serious as it is devastating.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “The attack on the Capitol is the mark of the political-cultural civil war which is tearing the United States apart”

In the states of Nevada, Texas, Michigan and Pennsylvania, they have shown that campaigning on the theme of the rigged election pays. More than a hundred candidates have already won over their rivals thanks to this argument. More worryingly still, in a number of key states for the 2024 presidential election, these candidates hope to occupy the position that will allow them to oversee the ballot, with the risk of twisting their results in the desired direction, in defiance of the general will.

Admittedly, everything is not over yet. Who knows if American weariness with this senseless stubbornness won’t eventually win out, reducing this unhealthy cult of an infallible man to the narrow perimeter of a clique? A few hours after Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony, the ballot boxes were fatal to the little soldiers of the stolen election in Colorado. Until this disavowal is confirmed, however, the United States can worry about the state of its democracy.

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