Ubisoft is celebrating the annual holiday of cheap tech – whether you call it Black Friday, Cyber Monday or whatever. In this regard, the developer is giving away Assassin’s Creed Syndicate on PC for free.
Until December 6, you can catch up with the assassin adventure set on the streets of London. All you have to do is tap your way in the side for the gift sprinkle. Here you log in with your Ubisoft account, and then your game is yours to own.
You do not need Ubisoft Connect to secure a copy, but must install the program if you actually want to play.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate came to the world in 2015, in the middle between Unity and Origins in the assassin order. Here you got to play as the two protagonists Jacob and Evie Frye, in an experience that was not quite up to par for our reviewer.
– It lacks a real distinctive character beyond being an Assassin’s Creed game. I miss the presence of a clear authorial voice, a game director who has consciously steered the direction the game development should take and who puts his trademark on the final product. Syndicate is another Assassin’s Creed. Neither more nor less. But it could definitely have been so much more, Jens Erik Vaaler concluded at the time.
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2023-11-29 06:56:58
#Assassins #Creed #Syndicate #free #week