TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan said the spike in Covid-19 cases could last for 2-8 weeks. Jakarta is in difficult times.
"Saya harap kita semua menyadari ini masa yang sulit yang sedang kita hadapi," kata dia dalam rekaman suara yang dikirimkan Humas Pemerintah DKI, Minggu, 4 Juli 2021.
Jika ingin Ibu Kota kembali ke situasi normal, maka warga harus bertahan di rumah. Namun, Anies menuturkan, peningkatan kasus Covid-19 akan berlangsung lama apabila mobilitas warga tinggi.
Anies meminta kekompakan warga untuk mengurangi kegiatan di luar rumah dan menghindari kerumunan. Pemerintah telah menetapkan Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat atau PPKM Darurat selama 3-20 Juli 2021.
This method, according to him, is an attempt to save himself, his family, and others.
“This is not to empty the streets of Jakarta. This is to save all of us,” he said.
Jakarta’s Covid-19 cases are still rising. The addition of recent cases has reached 8-10 thousand per day.
The capacity of isolation beds and ICUs is also running low, even though they have been added. As of July 2, 2021, isolation places in 140 hospitals were occupied by 92 percent and ICUs 94 percent.
Anies Baswedan previously also revealed the high number of Covid-19 deaths. As of today, 392 Covid-19 bodies were buried. “This is a danger sign,” he said.
Also read: Jakarta Covid-19 Case Breaks Record Again, Today Increases 10,485
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