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Asked to speak out loud, Jokowi only sings about stopping the war


Ambassador Ukraine for Indonesia, Vasyl Hamianin, encouraged Indonesia to speak out loudly regarding the Russian invasion of its territory. But President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) just wrote a tweet about stopping the war through his Twitter account.

Encouragement of the Ukrainian Ambassador

Vasyl Hamianin’s statement was delivered at a virtual press conference, Thursday (24/2/2022). Vasyl initially told about Indonesia’s struggle to maintain independence.

“The spirit of the Indonesian nation about freedom, will, Indonesia’s readiness to defend its homeland, fight for its homeland, to be independent, to be free, to ensure their goals, their future, their future for their children,” Vasyl said.

He admitted to admiring the values ​​of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. He also often tells the spirit of the Indonesian people to Ukraine.

“I admire the spirit of Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, the spirit of Indonesian heroes and, believe me, I convey this message to Ukraine every time and Ukraine knows this,” Vasyl said.

Only then did he convey his wish for Indonesia to be together Ukraine. Vasyl said that Indonesia is not only a regional leader, but also influential in the world.

“We want the Indonesian nation with us, Indonesia is now not just a regional leader, not just an ASEAN leader, but I say it will be a world power with influence in Southeast Asia and globally,” said Vasyl.

He hopes that Indonesia will convey its position regarding the current conditions. He believes many countries in the world will listen to Indonesia.

“I think that if Indonesia speaks up, no one, no country, no region, no leader will ignore it. What we really expect from Indonesia is to speak loudly and confidently,” he said. Vasyl.

Check out Jokowi’s tweet on the next page.

Watch the Video ‘PKB-PAN Suggests Elections to be Postponed, Jokpro: Jokowi Better for 1 More Period’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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