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Ask to avoid hugging at funerals

No more handshakes and hugs during death ceremonies. Funeral companies in Quebec ask visitors to ban physical contact to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

“It’s a shame, basically, because we need human heat so much when we lose someone, it is sure that it will be colder, but it is at stake for everyone’s health”, says François Fouquet , CEO of the Estrie Funeral Cooperative.

According to the funeral homes contacted by Le Journal, signs strongly suggesting to avoid contact were installed yesterday at the entrance to the reception halls.


Alfred Dallaire Memoria funeral home

Some postponements and cancellations are also starting to be announced. The decisions, however, come from families, some of whom are elderly and more at risk of contracting the virus.

“We haven’t canceled anything yet. There is no longer a funeral for over 250 people. This is left to the discretion of families, “said Fouquet, referring to the provincial government’s ban on gathering of this size announced on Thursday.

“We also suggest to certain families who intended to make larger gatherings to try to make everything more private, question that there are fewer people at the same time in a room,” explains Jeannette Rioux, head of marketing and communications for Alfred Dallaire Memoria.


Funeral homes have also redoubled their efforts in terms of the housekeeping of their facilities. The stations where antiseptic gel is found are also increasing.

Catering services are no exception. Either it’s simply not going to be offered to families anymore, or the portions will be individually wrapped to keep everyone from picking up on the same serving plates.

Funeral 2.0

For families where some people are too likely to attend the funeral, several houses now offer the broadcast of the ceremony on the web.

“In general, what we see is that people are very responsible and do not want to put their loved ones at risk,” says David Beaulieu, vice-president of innovations at the Lépine-Cloutier funeral home, which serves the great Quebec region. We therefore offer them the possibility of watching it online, in the comfort of their living room, which can be reassuring for some. ”

Funerals held in churches in Quebec will not be canceled, according to the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Quebec, provided that they accommodate less than 250 people. All masses are however canceled.

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