Thursday, November 11, 2021 – 03:00 WIB
VIVA – Disease kidney stones or nephrolithiasis is a condition when hard material resembling a stone forms in the kidney. A common symptom of kidney stones is back pain, and this disease is usually caused by: less drinking.
However, kidney stones can also be caused by other factors. Let’s look at the review of the solution to the disease ‘Kidney Stones’ with Prof. dr. Harrina E. Rahardjo, SpU(K), PhD (Urology Specialist) in session Ask Doctor on YouTube channel VDVC Health ‘Prevents Kidney Stone Disease’ the following:
Early symptoms of kidney stones:
The most frequent one was low back pain, a dull pain in the right waist like aches and pains. Then, if it is not treated, finally, the urine can bleed, then the stone can come down out of the urine and until then, the pain is excruciating.
Causes of kidney stones:
The most frequent is lack of drinking, lack of fluids so that in a day we should consume 2 liters of fluid, yes for adults, whose kidney function is good.
Well, if there is a lack of fluid, it can cause stones. Second, consuming too much food, such as foods that are high in uric acid, such as seroan, melinjo.
Then there is another type of stone infection where if we often get urinary tract infections, stones can arise from the focus of these infections. So you should avoid urinary tract infections by avoiding holding urine,“
How to prevent kidney stones:
Drink enough, like sometimes when we have a lot of workers in an air-conditioned room who don’t have much activity, sometimes we forget to drink.