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ask for caution and follow recommendations

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The National Meteorological Service issued a yellow alert for thunderstorms for this afternoon and evening in the Bariloche area and its surroundings, that’s why the Nahuel Huapi National Park required extreme caution which are located in the protected area.

This was indicated by the national body “For reasons of extreme security” he asked to circulate with caution and take the necessary precautions in the face of the climatic contingency.

The park does not close its paths but warns that “it is the absolute responsibility of visitors and residents not to respect the directions”.

He observed it “It is extremely dangerous” to be outdoors before an electrical storm.

We recall that last December a lightning from an electrical storm caused the fire in Lake Martin which spread rapidly in the area of ​​Lake Steffen and therefore the populations of Villegas and El Manso were at risk.

Recommendations before the storms

Avoid open areas like squares, beaches, mountains and fields.

avoid being in water or near ponds, rivers, lakes.

avoid being close-up of tall isolated objects such as trees, light poles and sticks, among others.

avoid contact with metal structures as long as fences or pipes, and even near quadrupeds such as cows and horses.

National parks have indicated this lightning can enter homes from the telephone line, from the downspout of the television antenna, from the incoming electric lines, from the metal water pipes and from the clothesline for drying clothes ».

Los dangerous places before the storm there are convertible cars or cars with tin roofs, open vehicles without windows, curtains and bus stop shelters.

Parques made it clear that cellular and wireless phones do not pose a risk.

If you are outdoors, the most recommended safety position is to squat, as low as possible, with your hands on your knees, with only your shoes touching the ground.

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