When you hear the term assistance services, most people think of car-related issues. Assistance with car insurance is commonly associated with these services. However, they are also a standard part of property insurance, including home and real estate insurance (such as family homes, apartments, apartment buildings, and vacation properties). Many people are not aware of this or only have minimal knowledge about it.
Despite this, in recent years, assistance services have gained a completely new dimension and have become a really useful tool. Finding a quality craftsman quickly in case of an emergency or accident is not easy. Insurance companies, or providers of assistance services, have contracted partners who are available for such situations, according to Renata Zapkova, spokesperson for the Czech Business Insurance Company (PP).
In case of need, all you have to do is call the assistance service hotline of your insurance company, which operates 24/7. However, each insurance company collaborates with a different assistance company, so it is a good idea to save their number in your mobile phone so that you don’t have to search for it in an emergency. The operator at the assistance hotline will arrange for the necessary craftsman. Usually within a few hours or by the next day, says Eva Svobodova, spokesperson for UNIQA Insurance. In urgent cases, even faster.
This was the case for senior citizen Blanka, who went out of her house just to throw away the trash. As soon as she closed the front door, she realized that her keys were locked inside. Her soup was boiling on the stove, and within an hour, she had to inject insulin as she is diabetic. When Mrs. Blanka called the insurance assistance and explained her situation, the operators didn’t hesitate and quickly sent a locksmith to her address, so she could open her apartment, Svobodova describes. She adds that the grateful elderly lady even packed lunch for the craftsman as a token of appreciation.
Locked doors are the most common problem that people face. Often, clients also use the services of plumbers for plumbing issues. Typical cases include burst pipes in toilets or faucets, says Milan Ka, spokesperson for Kooperativa. In total, there are about 7,500 property assistance interventions per year.
Conditions vary depending on the insurance company when it comes to the assistance services provided under property insurance. Each insurance company has its own set of rules. Similarly, the extent of assistance services can vary, with some being included in the basic coverage and others available for an additional fee. The limits for each insurance event and the number of events per year also differ. It is therefore advisable to check the specific conditions. The scope of assistance services can be found in the insurance terms and conditions, according to Jan Marek, spokesperson for Generali Czech Insurance.
For example, KB Insurance includes all provided assistance services automatically in the overall insurance price, and the scope cannot be expanded for an additional fee. The limits vary depending on the type of assistance services, and the limit applies to one insurance event, with no limit on the number of events per year.
PP includes a limit of 7,000 Czech crowns for one intervention in the basic variant, and the insurance company covers two interventions per year. For an additional fee of 250 Czech crowns per year, expanded assistance can be obtained, with a limit of 15,000 Czech crowns per intervention, and the service can be used up to three times per year.
Generali Czech Insurance has a similar system in place. In the basic variant, there is a limit of 10,000 Czech crowns for one technical assistance, and in the premium variant (for an additional fee of 168 Czech crowns per year), the limit is 15,000 Czech crowns, with no limit on the number of events per year. UNIQA Insurance and Kooperativa also have a similar setup, with Kooperativa offering two types ofWhen you hear the term assistance services, most people think of car-related issues. Assistance with car insurance is indeed the most common association. However, these services are also a standard part of property insurance, including home and property insurance (such as family homes, apartments, apartment buildings, and vacation properties). Many people are not aware of this or only have minimal knowledge about it.
Despite this lack of awareness, assistance services have gained a completely new dimension in recent years and have become a very useful tool. Finding a reliable craftsman quickly in case of an emergency or accident is not easy. Insurance companies, or providers of assistance services, have contracted partners who are available for such situations, according to Renata Zapkova, spokesperson for the Czech Business Insurance Company (PP).
In case of need, all you have to do is call the assistance service hotline of your insurance company, which operates 24/7. However, each insurance company collaborates with a different assistance company, so it is a good idea to save their number in your mobile phone so that you don’t have to search for it in an emergency. The operator at the assistance hotline will arrange for the necessary craftsman. Usually within a few hours or by the next day, says Eva Svobodova, spokesperson for UNIQA Insurance. In urgent cases, even faster.
This was the case for senior citizen Blanka, who went out of her house just to throw away the trash. As soon as she closed the front door, she realized that her keys were locked inside. Her soup was boiling on the stove, and within an hour, she had to inject insulin as she is diabetic. When Mrs. Blanka called the insurance assistance and explained her situation, the operators didn’t hesitate and quickly sent a locksmith to her address, so she could open her apartment, says Svobodova. She adds that the grateful elderly lady even packed lunch for the craftsman as a token of appreciation.
Locked doors are the most common problem that people face. Often, clients also use the services of plumbers for plumbing issues. Typical cases include burst pipes in toilets or faucets, says Milan Ka, spokesperson for Kooperativa. Overall, there are about 7,500 property assistance interventions per year.
Conditions vary depending on the insurance company when it comes to the assistance services provided under property insurance. Each insurance company has its own set of rules. Similarly, the extent of assistance services can vary, with some being included in the basic coverage and others available for an additional fee. The limits for each insurance event and the number of events per year also differ. It is therefore advisable to check the specific conditions. The scope of assistance services can be found in the insurance terms and conditions, according to Jan Marek, spokesperson for Generali Czech Insurance.
For example, KB Insurance includes all provided assistance services automatically in the overall insurance price, and the scope cannot be expanded for an additional fee. The limits vary depending on the type of assistance services, and the limit applies to one insurance event, with no limit on the number of events per year.
PP includes a limit of 7,000 Czech crowns for one intervention in the basic variant of insurance, and the insurance company covers two interventions per year. For an additional fee of 250 Czech crowns per year, clients can get extended assistance, with a limit of 15,000 Czech crowns per intervention, and the service canAsistenní služby jsou často spojovány s pomocí při haváriích a nehodách s autem. Ale ve skutečnosti jsou standardní součástí majetkového pojištění, a to i u pojištění domácnosti a nemovitosti. Mnoho lidí o tom však nemá ani tušení.
V posledních letech se asistenční služby staly velmi užitečným nástrojem. V případě nouzové situace nebo havárie je totiž velmi obtížné rychle najít kvalitního řemeslníka. Pojišťovny, které poskytují asistenční služby, mají smluvní partnery, kteří jsou k dispozici.
V případě potřeby stačí zavolat na linku asistenční služby vaší pojišťovny, která funguje 24/7. Operátor na lince zajistí potřebného řemeslníka, obvykle do několika hodin nebo do druhého dne. V akutních případech i rychleji.
Asistenční služby jsou často využívány při zablokování dveří. Klienti také často využívají služby instalatéra při vodovodních haváriích. Celkově se ročně provede kolem 7 500 majetkových asistenčních zásahů.
Podmínky asistenčních služeb se však liší. Každá pojišťovna má jiné nastavení. Stejně tak se liší, zda je asistence zahrnuta v základním pojištění nebo je k dispozici za příplatek. Liší se také limity na jednu pojistnou událost a jejich počet za rok. Je tedy dobré si tyto podmínky ověřit.
Základem asistenčních služeb je technická asistence, kterou mají všechny pojišťovny. Jde o případy, kdy je potřeba pomoc řemeslníka při odstranění technické havárie. Nejčastěji se jedná o zámečníka, elektrikáře, topenáře, instalatéra, sklenáře nebo pokrývače.
Klientovi jsou hrazeny náklady na příjezd a práci řemeslníka, stejně jako drobný materiál potřebný k odstranění havárie. Samozřejmě do limitu zásahu. Pokud cena konkrétního výkonu přesáhne tento limit, klient musí doplatit zbytek.
Asistenční služby jsou také poskytovány při poškození domácnosti. Například KB Pojišťovna hradí náklady na příjezd technika na místo události a práci řemeslníka do celkového limitu. Generali Česká pojišťovna nabízí možnost využití odborných profesí i bez havarijního stavu.
Asistenční služby jsou tedy velmi užitečným doplňkem majetkového pojištění. V případě potřeby poskytují rychlou a kvalitní pomoc při haváriích a nehodách. Je však důležité si ověřit podmínky a limity dané pojišťovny.
What is the maximum coverage amount for each intervention provided under the basic assistance services of this property insurance?
istance intervention, with a coverage of two interventions per year. For an additional fee, the coverage can be expanded to 20,000 Czech crowns per intervention, with a maximum of four interventions per year.
Overall, assistance services are an important and valuable aspect of property insurance. They provide peace of mind knowing that help is just a phone call away in case of emergencies or accidents. It is recommended to familiarize oneself with the specific conditions and coverage provided by each insurance company to ensure adequate protection for your property.