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Ashanty’s Strange Attitude Revealed While Ameena was Sleeping, Found Out by Azriel Hermansyah

TRIBUNLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Weird attitude Ashanty when there’s no Ameena make Azriel Hemansyah was surprised. Anang Hermansyah’s wife’s actions were laughed at.

Miss Ameena Hanna Nur Atta, Ashanty directly make a video call with Aurel Hermansyah to see his grandson.

Action Ashanty who misses princess Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar makes Azriel Hermansyah laughed.

Ashanty is currently very happy since the arrival of his grandson Ameena Hanna Nur Atta.

The daughter of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah makes Ashanty always miss.

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Anang Hermansyah’s wife looks happy every time she meets him and talks with him Ameena.

Recently Ashanty’s behavior made Azriel Hermansyah laughed out loud.

How could he not, he called his biological mother talking to Ameena who was sleeping.

This was revealed after doing a singer photoshoot Ashanty expresses his longing for his grandson, Ameena Hanna Nur Atta.

Lantas Ashanty immediately contacted his grandson.

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