TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Students from 200 universities spread across four countries took part in the competition ASEAN Investment Challenge 2023 organized by CGS-CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia. The grand launch of the competition will be held on Tuesday, 4 July 2023 at the Indonesia Stock Exchange building, Jakarta.
Economics and business faculties students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand are given access to trade using the CGS-CIMB Group’s platform. The stock challenge with the theme “Level Up Your Game” has received full support from each exchange in the four countries.
In Indonesia alone, the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) fully supports the holding of this event together with more than 70 universities in Indonesia from 18 provinces. It is targeted that as many as three thousand students will take part in this competition from all over Indonesia.
Friderica Widyasari Dewi as Chief Executive of OJK Market Behavior, Education and Consumer Protection Supervision in her remarks revealed that the students had undergone education for three months before participating in the competition.
The competition will be divided into two stages, viz country level round and regional level round. In the first stage, students will compete in trading challenge use trading platform simulator and do e-learning.
This is intended so that they get qualified investment knowledge, can also experience the experience of a real stock investor.
The three best winners from each country in the country level round will compete again in the regional level round, so that at the end of the competition there will be the best three winners from the four countries who have passed the selection.
The ASEAN Investment Challenge 2023 will run until January 2024, at which time the overall regional winners will be announced.
The competition takes into account Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles, which are measures of a company’s long-term exposure to potential risks under the three categories. These principles become the assessment criteria in challenge.
“We hope that there will be young investors awarenesswill improve and understand what is meant by ESG and how a company can improve its ESG score,” said the Director of Trade and Membership of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) Irvan Susandy in his remarks.
In the following remarks, Lim Kim Siah as President Director of PT CGS-CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia discussed the importance of young people’s participation in the world of capital markets.
“It is our hope that the participants, especially the winners, will become young investors who have sufficient knowledge about investment,” he said. “In addition, we also hope that the best young talents will be born who are ready to build a strong capital market in Indonesia.”
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2023-07-04 13:09:00
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