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A’salfo from Magic System performs surprise concert at HEC graduation ceremony

I won’t give speeches, but what I do best“. Salif Traoré, better known by his stage name A’salfo, has just graduated from the prestigious HEC business school in Paris. But it is not for his knowledge in this field that he is famous, but good for being the main member of Magic System.The group, whose last album was released in 2021, was there to offer a nice surprise to all the graduating students at the same time as Salif Traoré.

a concert

When it is the artist’s turn to receive his diploma, he speaks: “I searched Chat GTP for the speech I could give to all these students. But I realized that ChatGTP can’t know everything“. That’s when he announces, “I won’t give speeches, but what I do best“: sing. Joined by his colleagues from Magic System, they perform their flagship titles: Premier Gaou, Magic in the air or, Bouger Bouger.

A great end-of-studies gift for HEC students.

2023-06-14 08:22:44
#graduating #singer #Magic #System #offers #concert #students #Singing

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