Home » World » As the XBB.1.16 variant spreads and patients increase, hospitals throughout India are preparing for COVID-19 with rehearsals.

As the XBB.1.16 variant spreads and patients increase, hospitals throughout India are preparing for COVID-19 with rehearsals.



Indian hospitals across the country. Rehearsals to prepare for COVID-19 while the XBB.1.16 strain pushes more patients

The BBC reported that India’s Ministry of Health is conducting a mock exercise to verify the readiness of both public and private hospitals across the country in response to the surge in COVID-19 cases. April 10-11 this year

The number of COVID cases nationwide in India is currently relatively low. But experts urge caution to stop the spread of the disease.
from government data On Sunday, April 9, India reported nearly 6,000 new COVID-19 cases, while the total number of cases stood at 35,000. This is the result of an outbreak of strain XBB.1.16, a subspecies of Omikron. The World Health Organization says it is monitoring this subspecies and its outbreak in India.

As experts say It is not yet known whether this subspecies of COVID is life-threatening.

Maria van Kerkow, Chief Technical Officer for COVID-19 of the World Health Organization said recently that the strain of COVID-19 had been spreading for 2-3 months but had not seen any change in violence among individuals or among the population

In recent weeks, many cities in India have seen an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. But this did not lead to an increase in hospital admissions.


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