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As the holiday season approaches, protect yourself against respiratory viruses!

The vaccination campaign against flu and COVID-19 has been underway since October 7 in our territory! You can take appointment right now to enjoy the celebrations in complete peace and protect your loved ones during this festive period.

Why get vaccinated before the holidays?

Respiratory viruses, like the flu and COVID-19, spread quickly. Vaccination is your best ally to avoid complications, especially for people considered vulnerable or at risk:

  • people residing in residential and long-term care centers or in private seniors’ residences or living in other collective environments with a high proportion of elderly and vulnerable people;
    • people aged 60 years and over (Covid-19);
    • people aged 75 years and over (flu);
    • people who are immunocompromised, on dialysis or living with a chronic illness;
    • pregnant women and parents of babies under six months;
    • health care workers;
    • adults living in remote or isolated areas.
  • It should be noted that for people who wish to take this dose of vaccine, a minimum interval of six months since the last dose is recommended.
  • Some groups will also be able to receive the vaccine against pneumococcal infections.

Mandatory appointment making through Click Health or by calling 1 877 817-5279. Please note that it is possible to receive the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine during the same vaccination session.

Schedule of upcoming pop-up clinics

VilleLocation of vaccinationDate and time
(9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.)Saint-RémiCommunity Center – Jupiter Room, 25 rue Saint-Sauveur, J0L 2L0November 21, 2024
December 4, 2024Saint-AnicetSaint-Anicet Community Center – Community hall
1560 rue St-Anicet, Saint-Anicet, J0S 1M0November 22, 2024HemmingfordHemmingford Recreation Center, recreation center room, 550 Avenue Goyette, Hemmingford, J0L 1H02 November 25, 2024Saint-ChrysostomeCultural Center, Salle du Center Culturel, 624 rue Notre-Dame, Saint-Chrysostome, J0S 1R0November 26, 2024RigaudEdifice Paul-Brasseur – Friendship Hall, 10 rue Saint-Jean-Baptiste Est, Rigaud, J0P 1P0November 28, 2024Huntingdon The Canadian Legion, Royal Canadian Legion Hall, 8 Chemin Fairview, Huntingdon, J0S 1H03 December 2024

To learn more, check out this page Web!

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How can individuals stay informed ‌about the vaccination campaign for flu and COVID-19, including details on ⁢eligibility for various vaccines ⁤and upcoming vaccination events?

1. The article emphasizes the ‌importance of getting ⁤vaccinated⁢ before⁢ the holiday​ season. Our first question for the guests ‌would be, what are ⁤the main reasons why people should get vaccinated before the holidays?

2. ​The article also mentions that there‍ is a⁢ vaccination campaign for ​both‍ flu and COVID-19; could you tell⁢ us⁤ more about it, especially regarding the target groups and the schedule of upcoming pop-up‌ clinics?

3. For people who have already received‌ a vaccine against COVID-19 in previous months, is it necessary to​ get vaccinated again? If yes, what are the specific⁣ requirements or ⁤guidelines they should follow?

4. Regarding the availability of vaccines, some groups will also be able to receive ‌the pneumococcal vaccine. Can you discuss the eligibility criteria for this⁤ vaccine and its significance in protecting‌ against respiratory infections?

5. As​ we approach the holiday season,‌ many people are planning to travel or gather with ​friends and family. How can vaccination help prevent the spread of respiratory infections ⁤during such events?

6. ⁤Lastly, we’d like to know how important is⁤ it for individuals to take their time in researching and educating themselves about the benefits of ‌vaccination before ​getting vaccinated? Is there any misinformation that needs to be addressed regarding the flu and COVID-19 ⁢vaccines?

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