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AS Saint-Priest and MDA will merge!

AS Saint-Priest and MDA Foot will soon merge! This is the common will put forward by the two National 2 clubs this April 1 in an “official” press release!

The “official” press release from MDA Foot!

“Monts D’or Anse Foot is pleased to announce, via this press release, its development project starting in the 2020-2021 season.

A large-scale project involving two historic clubs from the Rhône department: Monts D’or Anse Foot and the Association Sportive Saint-Priest

Our association, recognized for the quality of its work for over 5 years (Obtaining Elite Youth Labels, Silver and Young Fustal Women’s Football School) as well as the sustainability of its national flag team for years,

AS Saint-Priest, recognized for its training, which has teams of young people evolving at the highest regional or even national level, as well as a pennant team which has been evolving at the national level for several decades.
To do this, following long discussions for many months aimed at preserving the common values ​​between the management of the two structures, we have found an agreement with the neighboring club and friend of AS SAINT PRIEST to finalize a merger that will meet the problems existing in our two associations.

We will soon present the complete project, as well as the organization charts, planning and various arrangements on the communication supports of the future structure.

In the meantime take care of yourself and your loved ones and stay at home while staying connected… ”

Saint-Priest also talks about it!

Aren’t we having a nice April Fool cooked up jointly by the two clubs? Certainly…

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