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As of today, the mouth mask is mandatory again, here you have to…


The Consultation Committee decided at the beginning of this week that measures must be taken against the corona virus. As of today, the mouth mask is mandatory again in many places.

– In stores it must be set up.

– Also in ‘public places insideA mouth mask is required.

In concrete terms, this concerns the following areas: Shopping centers, healthcare institutions, publicly accessible areas of companies, government buildings, courthouses, establishments for cultural, festive, sporting and recreational activities, including theatres, concert halls, cinemas, museums, indoor amusement and theme parks, indoor fitness centers and sports centers. It will also come into effect in libraries, toy libraries, media centers and at worship services.

– There is no mouth mask obligation in places where the corona pass is used. An exception is the staff. They must wear a mouth mask.

From Monday November 1st the Covid Safe Ticket will be expanded in Flanders.

– The corona pass will be needed from then on in the horeca and in fitness stores.

– The rules around the corona pass for events are also changing. Now it is mandatory from 500 people inside and 750 outside. The threshold is lowered to 200 inside and 400 outside.

– Anyone who organizes a smaller event may also request a CST from the visitors.

working from home has been strongly recommended again since the beginning of this week. Unless it is impossible due to the nature of the work or for the service.

ALSO READ: “Covid Safe Ticket gives a false sense of security, but that is no reason not to use it” (+)

ALSO READ: Virus is rampant among children: will that accelerate fourth wave? And what about vaccination of under-12s? (+)


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