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“As long as we live, we will support the most disadvantaged”

“Helping your neighbor who is in trouble is an obligation”. At Abdelsamad Ridouane, the sense of sharing is obvious. Already engaged in solidarity actions for the past six years, the 29-year-old Farébersvillois created the Heritage association in June 2018, whose slogan sums up the action: “We cannot help everyone, but everyone can help someone. a “.

The association helps people in precarious situations throughout the Moselle by distributing food and hygiene products, but also hot meals for the homeless. Families, isolated people, students: she doesn’t exclude anyone. “We do not make any distinction and it is our strength”, assures Abdelsamad.

A professional integration service in Nancy

Héritage now has around 100 volunteers, most of them in the Farébersviller area. They are divided into pairs to distribute the parcels once a month to the homes of the beneficiaries. Donations to students take place on the Metz and Nancy campuses, cities where the association is also established. In Nancy, it offers a professional integration service.

The goal of Heritage is, in the long term, to “get the most disadvantaged out of the assistantship”, explains Abdelsamad. And the challenge promises to be significant. Because even if Heritage was born well before the health crisis, the president assures to have clearly felt the effects: “The precariousness is accentuated. People who thought they would never have to contact us must have done so, ”he says, also referring to the“ alarming ”mental state of the students.

No subsidy

The action of the association is all the more commendable as it operates without any help and only thanks to volunteering and donations. “The town of Farébersviller refused our requests for subsidies. We had no explanation, except that we did not meet the criteria, ”says Abdelsamad. For three years, volunteers have been using their personal vehicles for distributions and the association’s premises, installed in a cellar in Farébersviller, are much too small, food parcels are piling up.

But the association can count on the “extraordinary” donations of the Moselle people. “They are extremely generous. They prove that, even without subsidies, we can fulfill our mission, ”says Abdelsamad. And the president concluded: “As long as we live, we will support the poorest people.” It is a virtuous circle. “

The Heritage association is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Information and donations on 06 43 52 97 04. Financial donations possible via paypal at [email protected]

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