Home » today » Sport » As if it was a real scene.. The strongest scene of the leader, Adel Imam, did not control himself with Adela Kamel, and what he did with her shocked the director and the cameramen

As if it was a real scene.. The strongest scene of the leader, Adel Imam, did not control himself with Adela Kamel, and what he did with her shocked the director and the cameramen

Lebleba initially praised her relationship with the star Adel Imam, saying: “I consider the artist Adel Imam my twin, and my most successful films were with him; He is a kind person, and I learned a lot from him, and I am very happy when I am with him. He is an organized person in everything, and he never had artistic jealousy.

towards any person, and he always advised me what to do, Lord, I always see him succeeding with me or without me. Adel ImamBoss cut it in a scene in the movie “A Groom from a Security Authority.” Adel Imam deviated from the script and tried to drown Lilabah, until she almost died, while she was screaming:

“Borgh Ya Adel” during filming. Lebleba was always afraid of turning to drama, but Adel Imam persuaded her several years ago to participate in the series “Saheb Al-Saada” and “Mamoun and Partners”.

In her statement while she was a guest on one of the television programs, she admitted to Lebleba that Adel Imam was the most famous actor who kissed her, ignited her ecstasy, and married him in many of her roles, adding that he cut her off more than her husband.

Lebleba praised her relationship with Adel Imam, saying: “I consider the artist Adel Imam my twin, and my most successful films were with him.

Oh God, I always see him successful with me or without me. The story of the bold scene. Lebleba revealed the story of a bold scene that was rejected by the star, Mervat Amin, which was the reason for the role to come to her, as she said: “One day they asked me to star in the movie (Keep in mind from your neighbors) with Adel Imam.

I read the script and made the movie, and it was very successful, but then I discovered that this role was offered to the artist Mervat Amin, and she refused it because of a scene in which she had to wear pajamas, because she was married at the time to the artist Hussein Fahmy.


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