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As a result of Human Deeds Disrespect for Nature

Terkini.id, Jakarta – The leading primate expert, Jane Goodall, revealed the reason the corona pandemic is currently increasing and infecting humans and has not been controlled by a number of countries in the world.

Goodall said, the corona pandemo continues to increase because it is caused by human actions who do not respect nature.

In addition, according to him, the act of humans who continue to force animals to be close to them has also become a space for the virus to move from animals to humans.

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“We are basically carrying this pandemic by ourselves with no respect for nature, forcing animals closer to humans, making it easy for pathogens to jump from animals to humans,” said Jane Goodall, Sunday, May 23, 2021, as quoted by Detik.com.

Therefore, to reduce the rate of the corona pandemic, he hopes that everyone’s awareness to build new relationships with nature.

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“Hopefully, this pandemic will wake people up. We have to develop new relationships with the natural world, “said Goodall.

Launching Live Science, although the exact source of the corona virus that causes COVID-19 has not been found, scientists generally agree that this virus originated from animals before targeting the human population through intermediate animals.

Goodall wants humans to be aware of the problems facing the world today, especially about the destruction of nature.

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“We have a crazy idea that we can develop an unlimited economy on a planet with limited resources and (the problem) a growing human population and livestock,” said this Primatologist.

In addition, according to Goodall, commercial agriculture carried out by humans has also destroyed natural habitats to provide food for livestock.

“Commercial agriculture has also destroyed huge habitat areas to feed billions of livestock and also uses fossil fuels in the process,” he explained.

Therefore, Goodall said, humans must respect nature and animals. If not, the corona pandemic will continue to increase and will not be controlled.

“Our disrespect for wild animals as well as domestic animals has created this situation where disease can jump in and infect humans. If we don’t do things differently, we’re done. We can’t go on like this any longer, ”he said.

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