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As a protest, some 2,000 firefighters asked for a day off in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

traffic in “upon awakening”.Elian: I also tell you thatabout 2000 firefighters requested theI would be free or they will not bepresenting work alikewho were reported sick inan apparent protest byorder to be vaccinated againstcovid 19 that defeated the pastFriday.if you don’t get vaccinated you won’treceive a salary. the programdue to the lack of officials inproblematic for you. forPut in contextthe situation or how I live withisabel peralta.what could be happening and?Isabel: good morning, I’ll tell youthat about 2000 firefightershave been under licenseeducation. this is apart from whatwhat is happening with himmandate of the vaccine.the union, the presidentfirefighters union and sethat could be an ace in itcoming days and that this couldcarryat the closing of some stationscompletely that has happened.last friday was the datelimit for firefighters,cops, health workersor cleaning will show thathad received at least onedose of the vaccinecoronavirus or elsethey were taken from oxide withoutright to payment untilprove otherwise.what is happening is thatfirefighters, cops and othersemployees are callingsick for differentreasons, some say it isconsequence of the vaccine andothers just thatcarrying sick, brought to thetemporary closure of 10fire stations innew York. the commissioner andthe bosses decided nothey were prepared to be ableattend any emergencyto be presented. thepresident of the association offirefighters union saysthat this is happening and whatit has not been planned. I willsee some statistics becausesomehow the ratevaccination is increasing. onemployees, city ofnew york 91% ofcitywide workerswill be vaccinated and 2300workers have received thevaccine, only received thisSaturday 30. the commissioner offirefighters have criticized thishow many firefighters arecalling sick and many ofthese sick callsthey are false. it’s as if it werea protest that they do notget vaccinated. today at 6:00 amthey have a meeting here inis to meet and be ablediscuss the issue of vaccinationand its consequences.

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