Home » today » Entertainment » As a precaution, the Hövelhofer brotherhood ordered music and tents for June: Shooting festival: decision in April – Hövelhof

As a precaution, the Hövelhofer brotherhood ordered music and tents for June: Shooting festival: decision in April – Hövelhof

“It will probably be a festival in a completely different form, if at all,” said a press release from Schützen. According to the current status of the Corona Protection Ordinance, the holding of public festivals is currently prohibited. The development of the number of infections is difficult to predict.

The bird shooting and shooting festival traditionally take place in June in the Senne community. Both had already been canceled last year due to corona. Most recently, the Hövelhofer 2019 celebrated the shooting festival and the 100th anniversary of the brotherhood. Frank Bröckling, who, together with his Queen Heidi Auster and his court, promised to extend his reign as long as necessary, was crowned the rifle king.

The young rifle department is waiting under the leadership of the current scepter prince and young rifle master Martin Weisgut as well as flag-waving chairwoman Linda Rodehutscord for easing in order to be able to resume their activities.

The board expects normal shooting life by autumn at the latest

“We are very confident that, thanks to the vaccinations against the coronavirus, we will be able to return to a normal shooting life by autumn at the latest. We are monitoring the pandemic very closely and inform our members immediately when activities of our shooting club are possible again, ”said the board of directors around Colonel Hubert Bonke.

The General Assembly, which has already been postponed from January to March, is now to take place on August 15th if possible. The May devotion is to be celebrated in the open air on May 28th under the leadership of the village company. More details will be announced later. According to the shooting masters Achim Hofferberth and Heribert Rodehutscord, shooting events cannot currently take place either. Some national shooting events have already been canceled without replacement, others have been postponed indefinitely.

The award of the jubilee medals from last year is still open. Here the shooting board is looking for a suitable date to catch up on the honors in a dignified manner: “We don’t want to send these awards by post”, so the unanimous opinion.

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