Home » today » World » Arvanitis: Question to the Commission on Germany’s non-implementation of the Migration and Asylum Agreement – 2024-09-27 09:57:12

Arvanitis: Question to the Commission on Germany’s non-implementation of the Migration and Asylum Agreement – 2024-09-27 09:57:12

A question to the Commission about the non-implementation of the Migration and Asylum Agreement by Germany and the substantial suspension of the Schengen rules was submitted by the Vice-President of LEFT and Head of the Eurogroup of SYRIZA-PS, Costas Arvanitis.

“Unfortunately, all our anxiety and predictions about the suffering that the New Migration Pact will bring to the whole of Europe and primarily to the first receiving countries, such as Greece, are confirmed, just a few months after it was passed.” emphasizes K. Arvanitis.

Since its vote, on April 10, 2024, K. Arvanitis in his statement had emphasized that the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, among other things, curtails the rights of asylum seekers, reserves a corresponding lack of solidarity for the first host countries themselves and legislates conditions of deviations and exceptions from the European acquis, essentially negating the right to asylum and international protection, in cases of “crisis” or “force majeure”, the recognition of which is left to the member states and thus lends itself to political instrumentalization.

Less than six months have passed and Germany is putting into effect six months in principle travel document control measures at its land borders, including those with “Schengen countries” (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark), while according to official positions, it is soon promoting more rejections of asylum applications, urgent returns to the countries of first entry into the EU, as well as deportations to third countries.

Although there is no urgent treaty, Germany, invoking extraordinary circumstances, is essentially suspending the Schengen rules.

“This stance is a direct political and practical undermining of the very recent EU rules on migration and asylum, which according to the Commission’s own statement constitute a ‘comprehensive approach aimed at strengthening and mainstreaming key EU policies on migration, asylum, border management and integration’ and ‘allow the EU to tackle complex issues with determination and ingenuity’, emphasizes K. Arvanitis, arguing for unacceptable indifference and a lack of solidarity for the first receiving Member States, such as Greece in particular.

From September 12, 2024, the vice-president of The Left sounded the alarm that the social democratic Soltz government is adopting the request of the extreme right for stricter refugee policies, also asking the Greek government for answers on the reasons it voted for voluntary relocation and not the proportional and mandatory one as demanded by the Left.

The entire question of Kostas Arvanitis:

Question requiring a written answer
to the Commission

Article 144 of the Regulation

Konstantinos Arvanitis (The Left)

Subject: Germany: travel document control measures and (non-)implementation of the migration and asylum pact

Very recently, Germany introduced six-month in principle travel document control measures at its land borders, including those with “Schengen countries” (France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark).

Furthermore, according to official positions, the German government’s plan promotes soon more rejections of asylum requests, urgent returns to the countries of first entry into the EU, as well as deportations to third countries.

The implementation of such practices constitutes:

a) In fact, the suspension of the Schengen rules by invoking extraordinary circumstances, even though there is no urgent condition, nor have the international developments in the field of migration flows recently changed – and even blatantly – so as to raise the question of force majeure or a state of emergency.

b) Direct political and practical undermining of the very recent EU rules on immigration and asylum, which according to the Commission’s own statement constitute “an integrated approach aimed at strengthening and mainstreaming key EU policies on immigration, asylum, border management and integration’ and ‘allow the EU to tackle complex issues with determination and ingenuity.’

c) Unacceptable indifference and lack of solidarity for the first receiving Member States, such as Greece in particular.

Following these, the Commission is asked:

1. Are the aforementioned measures within EU legality and coherence?
2. Do the “decisiveness” and “inventiveness” of the new pact allow the Member States the possibility of de facto annulment?

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#Arvanitis #Question #Commission #Germanys #nonimplementation #Migration #Asylum #Agreement

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