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Artūrs Reiniks: The Fate Behind the Birth of the Trio “Moon Punch”

«It’s fate: if the same photo pops up in front of your nose while searching, then it’s the right one! Even if it is not the favorite, but one of the funniest photos,” says the well-known musician, member of the groups “Tērvete” and “Dobeles zemessargi” Artūrs Reiniks, telling about the time when the trio “Moon Sting” was born.

How the trio “Moon Punch” was born

A rock trio is born in the book presentation

“This photo was taken six or seven years ago at the presentation of the book “Moon Punch” by Irina Thomsone – a former Latvian National Theater actress. She invited her friends to this event and also invited Daci and I, as we are good family friends. We have also eaten a pint of salt together in various projects and concerts!” Artur remembers that at that time Irina asked him to bring a guitar with him, and in the end the presentation of the book turned into a whole concert.

“The actors Jānis Paukštello and Varis Vētra also took part in the event, and at once the absolute “freestyle” began: first Varis performed, then he invited me. And then he proposed to sing the very famous and popular rock and roll song “My Baby Baby Balla Balla” in the sixties, which was once performed by the group “The Rainbows”. We thought that Irina should also pick up a guitar, sing and play… At that time, out of nowhere, another guitar appeared, and that’s how the three of us opened up in full voices, and the audience cheered for us!” Remembering this incident, Artūrs adds with a smile that Irina is a person with a very “nice” sense of humor, that’s why she willingly got involved in this adventure, while after this performance, Varis, Irina and Artūrs jokingly called their trio “Moon Stitch”. “When I look at this photo, I remember that event with pleasure. And it is already the case that all the coolest things are not written in the script, but arise spontaneously.»

“It’s fate!”

By the way, the story about choosing this photo is also very interesting: “When I had to choose my favorite photo, Dace went to my Facebook profile, flipped through the photos, and one of the first came across this one [fotogrāfijai] and said: “This is cool!” Agreed, because it is definitely one of the funnest pictures in my career. At that time I still thought: when I go home, I will sign the good old photo box. And just imagine: when I picked up the box, this photo was at the very top! I understood that it is fate: if the same picture pops up in front of your nose twice, then it is the real one!”

Regarding Irina, the musician adds that she was an actress of the Latvian National Theater for many years and played character roles until she left the theater in the 90s of the last century. “In turn, Irina and I met in 2010, when the director Māris Druva started preparing a grandiose project dedicated to the centenary of the writer Andrejas Eglīš (the anniversary was celebrated in 2012). At that time, he gathered a group of like-minded people, made two plays, which we showed in the Daugavpils theater. Irina read the poetry of Andrejs Egliš, but I wrote the song “I want to bloom” with the text of the jubilee in honor of this event. At that time we also traveled all over Latvia, visiting schools and libraries with songs and readings of Andrejas Eglīš’s poetry, we also had with us the portrait of Eglīš painted by the artist Jānis Anmani. And Antonina Nenasheva was also involved in that project at that time – now a big politician… By the way, Irina not only wrote books, but also acted in movies – she had a big role in the movie “Jhimlai rudi rallalla!”, so even after leaving the theater, her creative life did not stop . And like I said, we really have eaten a pound of salt together! That’s why it was nice to remember our joint projects”, summarizes Artūrs Reinik.

2023-12-24 16:33:45

#trio #Moon #stitch #born #Arthur #Reinicks #story

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