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Artists demonstrate with a movie, ‘theater posters-runner’ and silent fanfare

Dozens of artists demonstrate in an original way at the entrance of the House of Representatives. Today they will talk to culture minister Ingrid van Engelshoven about art policy in the next four years.

The protesters, in style, made a runner from theater posters and explained it in front of the Chamber Building on the Square. Also the silent fanfare of the party.

Art world

Among the demonstrators is 84-year-old actor Hans Croiset, two-time winner of the prestigious Louis d’Or stage prize. “I am not standing here for myself, because I have had a richly subsidized life. I am here for all those self-employed workers, ”says Croiset. He advocates a collective labor agreement for all actors. Actress Anne-Wil Blankers (79) says that the art world will need 1.5 billion euros in the near future.

Many other actors, comedians and other (small) artists also stepped into the breach. “It is a loss for the enthusiast, a disaster for the sector,” says Halina Reijn in the video of #reddecultuur. “I would like to tell the cabinet to use your creativity,” says Gijs Scholten of Aschat. “Save the culture,” says everyone in the video, as well as many culture lovers on social media. There is even a #OdeAanDeKunstChallenge going on, which everyone gives their own interpretation.


PvdA, SP and GroenLinks are arguing today for a more ambitious emergency fund, Lodewijk Asscher says. A few days ago, Minister Van Engelshoven expressed her joy about ‘that dot on the horizon’.


From 2021 to 2024, the Cabinet has to forgive nearly 200 million per year for the basic infrastructure or BIS. The Council for Culture wants to give more institutions with an innovative offer the opportunity, sometimes at the expense of established and valued institutions, such as the Scapino Ballet in Rotterdam.

That this almost 75-year-old company must die in the system already caused a lot of commotion. The Council also focused in particular on organizations outside the Randstad and, inter alia, in the fields of pop music, musical, e-culture, regional museums and design.


The cultural world has long had to shut down because of the outbreak of the corona virus. The rooms are only allowed to receive a limited audience again. In connection with the corona crisis, the House will also talk on Monday about additional support for the cultural and creative sector. The loss of public and business income will reach 2.6 billion in 2020, the interest group Arts ’92 announced last week.

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Artists demonstrate with a movie, ‘theater posters-runner’ and silent fanfare

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