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Artist Banksy draws a nurse as a superhero

Old superheroes like Batman and Spiderman have had their day. The new heroes work in the age of the corona pandemic in health care, as the mysterious British artist Banksy puts it with a new work.

Street artist Banksy thanked a British hospital with a new work of art.

@banksy Instragram / Reuters


The mysterious street artist Banksy thanked the heroes of the Corona crisis in his own way: with a large painting in the General Hospital in Southampton. The picture from the hospital, which was also published on Banksy’s Instagram account, shows a boy kneeling and letting a nurse doll hover in the air in his hand. Like Superman, she stretches out her hand – wearing a face mask, cape and an apron with a red cross, the only colored element in the otherwise black and white painting. In the wastebasket next to the boy are a Spiderman and a Superman figure. According to the BBC, the artist left a note in the hospital that said: “Thank you for everything you do. I hope this cheers up the place a little, even if it’s only black and white. »

The one-square-meter painting, for which Banksy only wrote “Game Changer”, is to remain in the hospital until autumn and will then be auctioned, as the BBC reported. The proceeds will go to the chronically underfunded National Health Service (NHS).

The hospital’s manager, Paula Head, said the painting was appreciated by everyone in the hospital. People would have a moment to pause, think, and appreciate the artwork. “It will undoubtedly also boost the morale of everyone who works in our hospital and who is cared for.”

Banksy had already published a picture of the corona crisis from his home office in mid-April: The Briton posted a picture on Instagram in which he painted several rats on the wall of the bathroom. The items standing around are arranged so that it looks like the rats caused this mess. Beneath it wrote Banksy: “My wife hates when I work from home.”

Banksy’s identity puzzles. It is known that he comes from Bristol and came to London in the late 1990s. He made a name for himself with his socially critical and mostly controversial motifs. His graffiti mostly appear surprising.

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