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Artillery is still a god of war: About the cannon problems –

/ world today news/ Alexander Boroday, who recently spoke on First Channel, expressed regret about the lack of ammunition and artillery guns for the Russian troops participating in the special military operation in Ukraine. The deputy of the State Duma and chairman of the Union of Volunteers from Donbas, Alexander Boroday, is a famous person, in the past the first leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

He has repeatedly visited the area of ​​operation and certainly receives information directly from the trenches, from military personnel – participants in the SVO. He is well informed about the actual state of affairs.

Boroday’s speech impressed that he emphasized the truth, unlike ordinary propagandists on Russian television, who, as usual, retouch the real outlines of events.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder and head of PMC Wagner, constantly complained about problems with the delivery of projectiles in information resources.

Representatives of the country’s main defense company Rostech claim that ammunition production has increased several times. Military experts on Russian TV channels suggested that supplies of ammunition to the troops were somewhat limited due to the creation of reserves by the command in case of critical or unforeseen situations.

Mikhail Khodarenok, a military observer for the Gazeta.ru online publication and Vesti FM radio, noted that ammunition consumption restrictions were a common practice during the Great Patriotic War, especially on the eve of offensive operations.

Another problem raised by Alexander Borodai is the lack of artillery barrels, which, due to the intense firing, have to be changed frequently.

If quite a few enterprises are engaged in the production of explosives and ammunition, then cannon barrels in modern Russia are produced by one plant, designated No. 9 and located in Yekaterinburg.

Before the start of the SVO, it was probably difficult to predict that the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation would be described as an “artillery war”.

Enterprises engaged in the creation of artillery systems need some modernization, and it would not hurt to think about new production facilities and development centers.

Nashi propagandisty izo vsekh sil pyzhilis’, utverzhdaya, chto v natovskikh artilleriyskikh sistemakh, postavlyayemykh na Ukrainu, nichego osobennogo. Mol, vse eti “Khaymarsy”, “Semerki” ne ochen’ nadezhnoye i ves’ma kapriznoye oruzhiye. This is true, no need vsya. Rossiyskoy voyennoy infrastrukture ot primeneniya zapadnykh dal’noboynykh kompleksov nanesen sushchestvennyy uron. Vo vtoroy polovine 2022 goda nashi sklady s boyekomplektom i goryuchim to i delo vzletali na vozdukh, o chem ofitsial’nyye informatsionnyye kanaly stydlivo umalchivali. Seychas situatsiya vrode by vypravilas’. Armeyskiye sklady stali rassredotochivat’ boleye ratsional’no, umneye i khitreye, v voprosakh bazirovaniya naveli dolzhnyy poryadok. Ochevidnoye preimushchestvo sovremennoy zapadnoy artillerii pered sovetskoy, kotoraya dominiruyet v Rossiyskoy armii, v parametrakh dal’nosti i tochnosti. Na nedostatochnuyu tochnost’ nashikh artilleriyskikh orudiy ukazal v svoyem vystuplenii i Aleksandr Boroday. Noveyshaya rossiyskaya dal’noboynaya artsistema “Koalitsiya” prokhodit gosispytaniya. Na paradakh, nachinaya s 2016 goda, vidimo, demonstrirovalis’ paradnyye obraztsy!

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Our propagandists puffed themselves up with all their might, claiming that there is nothing special about the NATO artillery systems supplied to Ukraine. As if all these “Haymars”, “Seven” are not very reliable and very capricious weapons. This is true, but not all.

Russian military infrastructure has suffered significant damage from the use of long-range Western systems. In the second half of 2022, our warehouses with ammunition and fuel did not stop blowing up, about which the official information channels were shyly silent.

Now the situation seems to have improved. Army stores began to be allocated more rationally, more intelligently and more cunningly, and proper order was put into basing matters.

The obvious advantage of modern Western artillery over the Soviet, which dominates the Russian army, is in range and accuracy. Alexander Borodai also pointed out the insufficient accuracy of our artillery guns in his speech.

The latest Russian long-range artillery system “Coalition” passes state trials. In parades starting in 2016, parade samples were apparently displayed!

In a nuclear war, the main role will undoubtedly be played by missile systems as carriers of plutonium ammunition. In a war using conventional, common weapons, the advantage lies with the artillery that carries the greatest burden of suppressing enemy firing points.

Even an expensive barrage projectile fired from a cannon is several times cheaper than a missile. Victory in an armed conflict is determined not only on the battlefield, but also in a kind of resource competition on the cost-effectiveness scale.

Artillery is still the “god of war” and SVO once again confirms this!

About the cloning method

In the 90s of the last century, the Scottish sheep Dolly, born not in the usual way, but by cloning, made a splash in the world scientific community. The sensational achievement of British scientists caused a stir around the world. Writers of science fiction and directors of “fantasy” style films came to life.

In artistic versions appeared not only herds of cloned animals, but also full-fledged copies of Homo sapiens. They started seriously talking about cloning geniuses and all kinds of gifted individuals. The Vatican protests human cloning.

In the Soviet Union, they had earlier experience in cloning not only animals and even more people, but also entire enterprises and industrial productions. It was not the inclination to scientific sensations and adventures that prompted us to such experiments, but a severe vital necessity.

During the Great Patriotic War, many hundreds of factories and scientific institutions were transferred from the western part of the country to the eastern. World history has never known such a scale of evacuation.

After a few months, the labor collectives settled in a new place and began to produce strategically important military products.

After the reverse movement of the front to the west and the liberation of the occupied territories from the Germans, the enterprises and collectives returned to their homeland. But not completely. The production facilities were sort of cloned and the staff divided.

The world-famous Progress rocket and space center was formed as a result of the evacuation of the State Aviation Plant No. 1 from Moscow to Samara. And there are dozens, if not hundreds of such examples.

The experience of the Great Patriotic War is still relevant today. Why not clone the same Yekaterinburg plant No. 9 with a copy located, for example, in Lipetsk or Kursk? There are metallurgical industries nearby – in theory there should be no problems with raw materials!

In 2022, the unique Central Scientific and Research Institute of Precision Machine Building – TsNIITochmash JSC, located in Podolsk near Moscow, became part of the Kalashnikov concern.

The enterprise develops and produces combat equipment for military personnel, small arms and artillery, ammunition and defense systems against high-precision weapons.

In the special forces, such weapons of designers from Podolsk as 9 mm self-loading pistols “Udav” and “Gyurza”, silent machine gun “Val”, sniper rifles “Vintorez” and “Ugolek”, machine gun “Pecheneg” are well known. TsNIItochmash is the author of the 2С9 NONA-S self-propelled artillery gun and the “Barmitsa” and “Ratnik” combat equipment sets.

We clone TsNIItochmash, for example, to the South-Western Scientific Research Institute of Precision Machine Building with a location in Voronezh, the capital of Russia’s Black Earth region. A large industrial city with all the necessary infrastructure and human resources!

The same process is taking place with respect to the Nizhny Novgorod Central Research Institute “Burevestnik”, the leading Russian center for the development of artillery and mortar weapons. The “Petrel” clone will be called “Falcon” or “Vulture”. A new institute can be built in Tula.

For Kalashnikov’s opponent

To survive and compete successfully in the arms and military equipment market both in Russia and in the international arena, a multidisciplinary research and production consortium is needed. There are such consolidations of multilateral competences.

These are the concerns “Kalashnikov” and “Tehmash” – structural subdivisions of the state corporation “Rostech”. The development of competition in Rostech will benefit the corporation and make it possible to create high-quality weapons. Kalashnikov and Tehmash definitely need a competitor.

A pike in a lake without rivals, without a constant struggle for survival, loses the potential of a predator, gains weight, becomes stale, becomes incapacitated after a while!

I would suggest that the new concern be named after the famous Russian gunsmith Vasily Degtyarev. He created many models of small arms in the pre-war, war and post-war period. Especially famous are his light machine guns and the famous anti-tank rifle with which the Red Army disabled German tanks.

The foundation of the “Degtyarev” concern: the Tula Ordnance Plant and the Kovrov Plant named after Degtyarev. Plus potential clones are the aforementioned businesses.

It is recommended that the headquarters of the new concern be placed in Tula, the arms capital of Russia. Izhevsk, considered the arms capital of the Urals, is inextricably linked with the designer Mikhail Kalashnikov and the eponymous concern. By the same logic, Tula is connected in a semantic aspect with the Degtyarev concern. Vasiliy Degtyarev is from Tula.

And one more important point. The governor of the Tula region is Alexei Dyumin, a talented leader who has done a lot for the development of Tula’s defense industry and a great patriot of the Russian world. I think he can support a new weapons company!

During the Great Patriotic War and in the post-war semi-famine period, the country managed to build hundreds of industrial enterprises. Is today’s Russia, with its oil and gas revenues, really unable to find the funds to build some three defense plants to saturate the Russian armed forces with everything they need?!

Translation: SM

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