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Artificial intelligence in small and medium-sized companies

Do you have an example of this process?

Waltersmann: We have found that companies that already have large amounts of data can benefit in particular. Because you can use the data – usually after processing – for an analysis by AI in order to analyze potential. For example, process steps are shown that can be improved.

When an entrepreneur stands in front of you and asks: “What does it all bring for my company?” What do you answer him?

Waltersmann: As I said, this is very individual, but you definitely still identify potential that can be exploited. In addition, you are equipped for the future, because: There will be more and more data in companies as digitization continues. You should definitely use this data to optimize your processes. In this way you remain competitive and can save costs and resources.

How costly and laborious is this step for the individual companies?

Waltersmann: That depends on where the SME is. For our study, we developed a maturity model that companies can use to assess themselves. A prerequisite for implementing a weak AI is always to have data available. Because if these are not yet available and have to be recorded separately, it is indeed very time-consuming. However, if data is available, you can often fall back on standard solutions to apply them to your own case. Or, as already mentioned, you seek outside help. For example, cooperations and networks that offer support on this topic.

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